@rolle If it helps BTW I created a different visual style for direct messages.
For my default white background, I give DMs a slight grey background. It's better than nothing and all that I can do without spending hours analysing the code and pushing issues. Lazy me 😉
.status__wrapper-direct, .detailed-status-direct {
background: #ccccccb0 !important;
Version allégée de https://open-time.net/post/2023/01/09/Mastodon-web by @franckpaul dans mon Stylus pour Mastodon web :
.status__wrapper-direct {
background: #ccccccb0 !important;
.status__wrapper-direct:before {
color: #000;
display: block;
font-weight: 700;
text-align: center;
background: #cccccc;
content: '—— ⛔️ ——';
(pour savoir quand un message est privé, ça devrait réjouir quelques nouveaux.)