Climate change is pushing ticks carrying the deadly CCHF virus to move through Europe. The mortality rate is ~30% within 2 weeks. There is no widely-available vaccine.
I remember seeing billboards my first summer in Sverige saying to get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), another virus I had never heard about in the US.
#cchf #ticks #climatechange #publichealth
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever: Deadly tickborne virus that’s spreading in Europe ‘likely to reach UK’ | The Independent
#ticks #crimeancongohaemorrhagicfever #cchf #tickborneillness #tickbornevirus #climatechange #who
@onisillos Tick-borne pathogens do not receive enough attention at the public health & academic/research levels (esp here in the US). Far too many primary care providers are ignorant of the range of signs & symptoms, and many medical insurance companies will not cover diagnostic assays in a timely matter. Also, the two accepted diagnostic assays (ELISA & Western blot) are fraught with issues & vaccine R&D is severely lacking. This is troubling. #ticks #LymeDisease #CCHF #TBE
#tbe #cchf #LymeDisease #ticks
RT @outbreaksci
New preprint: Predicting climate-driven distribution shifts in Hyalomma marginatum (Ixodidae) #CCHF
Join EcoHealth Alliance's #Vector team studying Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever #Epidemiology in #Tanzania! Lead + train field teams collecting samples from rodents, cattle + people; liase w/ local partners and scientists; analyze data and develop new projects!
$60-$80K, time ~50% between NYC and Tanzania. MS or #PhD
@jobsecoevo #CCHF #EpiVerse #ScienceJobs #Ecology #postdocjobs #AltAc #Job #OneHealth #FieldWork
#vector #epidemiology #tanzania #phd #cchf #epiverse #ScienceJobs #ecology #postdocjobs #altac #job #OneHealth #fieldwork
Excited to announce our new partnership with UTMB and DoD to develop vaccines for #CCHF and #Nipah using our repRNA/LION platform.