#CCLS2023 in #Würzburg is over, but we're already thinking of the next conference. #CCLS2024 will take place in #Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) / Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) on 13-14 June, 2024. Save the date! #CLS #JCLS #Austria
#ccls2023 #wurzburg #ccls2024 #vienna #cls #jcls #austria
#CCLS2023 was awesome! Many thanks to @jcls and the Würzburger team for holding the excellent event! I really enjoyed the great talks, inspiring discussion and of course, the conference dinner with wine tasting and many wonderful exchanges during the coffee breaks with colleagues. Now I've arrived in Weimar for the next days and cannot wait to attend #CCLS2024 next year in Wien (WWW stands for me Würzburg, Weimar, Wien for this moment :).
We're heading into the second day of #CCLS2023! The next session has papers about Hungarian, Swedish and Dutch, as well as Japanese literature. – #multilingual #multilingualDH #CLS
#ccls2023 #multilingual #MultilingualDH #cls
At #CCLS2023, we're now having the pleasure of attending a (as always) very inspiring and colorful #keynote by Jan #Rybicki, on #stylometry and distant reading applied to 10,005 novels in #Polish (translated or original).
#ccls2023 #keynote #rybicki #stylometry #polish
Unser #LNDW23 Banner des Schlüsselstellenprojekts geht auf Wanderschaft: seit gestern ist es im ZPD in Würzburg (https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/zpd/) zu sehen, wo ab heute die CCLS (https://jcls.io/site/conference/) stattfindet. #dh #digitalhumanities #CLS #CCLS2023
#lndw23 #dh #digitalhumanities #cls #ccls2023
Happy to report that #CCLS2023 has been off to an excellent start! Second session in full swing now. See the programme here: https://jcls.io/site/ccls2023/
Just one more week until the #CCLS2023 in Würzburg! Check out the awesome programme here: https://jcls.io/site/ccls2023/ – There's still time to register, whether for online or on-site participation. – We know you don't want to miss this opportunity to hear and discuss the latest work in Computational Literary Studies!
Die Conference of Computational Literary Studies findet dieses Jahr am 22. und 23. Juni in Würzburg statt. Teilgenommen werden kann sowohl digital als auch vor Ort. In jedem Fall muss eine Anmeldung zur #CCLS2023 bis zum 7. Juni erfolgen!
Mehr unter https://jcls.io/site/ccls2023/
#ccls2023 #cls #digtialhumanities
With almost all notifications for acceptance (or, sadly, rejection) having been sent out, we can already say that the #programme of the second annual #Conference of #Computational #Literary #Studies (#CCLS2023) is shaping up wonderfully! – So, please save the date! The event will take place at #Würzburg University on June 22-23, 2023, hosted by @fotis_jannidis and Steffen Pielström. – We look forward to see many of you there, whether in person or virtually! – #SaveTheDate #cls ^cs
#programme #conference #computational #literary #studies #ccls2023 #wurzburg #SaveTheDate #cls
RT @ClimateSeries
Great talk with Gaia Vince Jonathon Porritt and Oliver Morton #ccls2023 @WanderingGaia @Eaterofsun @jonathonporritt
RT @harmsy
📺Feed for the final #CCLS2023 event
"How should we manage our future as the global temperature rises beyond the agreed safe limit of 1.5C?"
with @WanderingGaia & @jonathonporritt is now LIVE!
Watch if you cannot attend! 👋@ClimateSeries
RT @Cambridge_Eng
Cambridge Climate Lecture Series
Gaia Vince and Jonathon Porritt
'How should we manage our future as the global temperature rises beyond the agreed safe limit of 1.5C?'
Fri 17 Mar 7pm
@ClimateSeries #CCLS2023 @TrinCollCam @hughhunt
Book free tickets via http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/news/cambridge-climate-lecture-series-1
RT @harmsy
#FoundInOxfam this out-of-print gem by @jonathonporritt, who will be speaking in Cambridge alongside @WanderingGaia at #CCLS2023 “How should we manage our future as the global temperature rises beyond the agreed safe limit of 1.5ºC?” @ClimateSeries https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-should-we-manage-our-future-as-the-global-temperature-rises-tickets-492329138707