#CCLS2023 in #Würzburg is over, but we're already thinking of the next conference. #CCLS2024 will take place in #Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) / Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) on 13-14 June, 2024. Save the date! #CLS #JCLS #Austria
#ccls2023 #wurzburg #ccls2024 #vienna #cls #jcls #austria
#CCLS2023 was awesome! Many thanks to @jcls and the Würzburger team for holding the excellent event! I really enjoyed the great talks, inspiring discussion and of course, the conference dinner with wine tasting and many wonderful exchanges during the coffee breaks with colleagues. Now I've arrived in Weimar for the next days and cannot wait to attend #CCLS2024 next year in Wien (WWW stands for me Würzburg, Weimar, Wien for this moment :).