‘Spreadsheets in Space’, EVE Online, now has actual spreadsheets thanks to Microsoft Excel compatibility - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/spreadsheets-in-space-eve-online-now-has-actual-spreadsheets-thanks-to-microsoft-excel-compatibility #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #Birdview/Isometric #Firstperson #Thirdperson #Simulation #EVEOnline #Microsoft #CCPGames #Strategy #MMORPG #CCP #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #ccp #mmorpg #strategy #ccpgames #microsoft #eveonline #simulation #thirdperson #firstperson #birdview #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive
Kotaku: 10 Of The Best Ways Games Put Dirty Cheaters In Their Place https://kotaku.com/video-game-cheater-bans-grand-theft-auto-call-of-duty-1850396574 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #cheatinginvideogames #openworldvideogames #videogamecheating #grandtheftautov #cheatinginpoker #rockstargames #windowsgames #playstation3 #johnsmedley #videogaming #videogames #cheaters #cheating #ccpgames #sports #gaming
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #cheatinginvideogames #openworldvideogames #videogamecheating #grandtheftautov #cheatinginpoker #rockstargames #windowsgames #playstation3 #johnsmedley #videogaming #videogames #cheaters #cheating #ccpgames #sports
EVE Online's developers are making a blockchain game in the EVE universe - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eve-onlines-developers-are-making-a-blockchain-game-in-the-eve-universe #Blockbuster #EVEOnline #CCPGames #CCP
#ccp #ccpgames #eveonline #blockbuster
Í vikunni skalf jörðin í Tyrklandi og Sýrlandi með hræðilegum afleiðingum. #CCPGames hefur reglulega síðan 2005 safnað til hjálparstarfs vegna álíka hamfara og gerir það enn og aftur núna: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/plex-for-good-tuerkiye-and-syria
Yet again #CCPGames
is organizing a PLEX for GOOD effort, this time for the people of Türkiye & Syria immensely impacted by this week's earthquakes. Please consider donating if you can: https://eveonline.com/news/view/plex-for-good-tuerkiye-and-syria #EVEOnline
El MMORPG espacial número uno, EVE Online celebra su irrupción en el mercado español a la velocidad de la luz
CCP Games da la bienvenida a los jugadores hispanohablantes a Nuevo Edén con eventos especiales y un tráiler
La desarrolladora CCP Games continúa invirtiendo en las futuras generaciones de capsulistas con el lanzam
#Noticias #CCPGames #EVEOnline
#noticias #ccpgames #eveonline
EVE: Online’s Uprising expansion changes up factional warfare in November - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eve-onlines-uprising-expansion-changes-up-factional-warfare-in-november #ScienceFiction #EVEOnline #CCPGames #MMO
#sciencefiction #eveonline #ccpgames #MMO
You can now play EVE Online in your browser - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/you-can-now-play-eve-online-in-your-browser #Simulation #EVEOnline #CCPGames #Intel #MMO
#simulation #eveonline #ccpgames #intel #MMO
It's still tough to be a new Eve Online player in 2022 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/its-still-tough-to-be-a-new-eve-online-player-in-2022 #ScienceFiction #Simulation #Interview #EVEOnline #CCPGames #MMO
#sciencefiction #simulation #interview #eveonline #ccpgames #MMO
CCP won't let two failed shooters get in the way of making the perfect Eve Online FPS - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/ccp-wont-let-two-failed-shooters-get-in-the-way-of-making-the-perfect-eve-online-fps #ScienceFiction #Blockbuster #FPS/Shooter #Simulation #Interview #EVEOnline #CCPGames
#sciencefiction #blockbuster #fps #simulation #interview #eveonline #ccpgames
Why Eve Online players rule the world of business, and vice versa - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/why-eve-online-players-rule-the-world-of-business-and-vice-versa #ScienceFiction #Interview #EVEOnline #Strategy #CCPGames #MMO
#sciencefiction #interview #eveonline #strategy #ccpgames #MMO
Eve Online will tee up its third decade with advanced faction warfare and ambitious story arcs - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eve-online-will-tee-up-its-third-decade-with-advanced-faction-warfare-and-ambitious-story-arcs #ScienceFiction #Blockbuster #EVEFanfest #EVEOnline #CCPGames #MMO
#sciencefiction #blockbuster #EVEFanfest #eveonline #ccpgames #MMO
EVE Online will wage war with Doctor Who's Daleks in a crossover event - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eve-online-will-wage-war-with-doctor-whos-daleks-in-a-crossover-event #EVEOnline #DoctorWho #CCPGames #MMO #BBC
#eveonline #doctorwho #ccpgames #MMO #bbc
📬Eve Online – Project Discovery: Players versus Covid 19📬 https://tarnkappe.info/eve-online-project-discovery-players-versus-covid-19/ #MassivelyMultiplayerOnlineScience #BergurFinnbogason #ProjectDiscovery #Dr.RyanBrinkman #AttilaSzantner #EveOnline #CCPGames #Gaming
#gaming #ccpgames #eveonline #AttilaSzantner #dr #projectdiscovery #BergurFinnbogason #MassivelyMultiplayerOnlineScience
EVE Online will let you hide a frigate inside your battleship, for emergencies - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/YS9IzFYXcew/ #PCGameNews #CCPGames
CCP cancel Project Nova, but haven't given up on an EVE Online shooter - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/54Llf_hReaI/ #PCGameNews #CCPGames
A DDOS attack has kept many Eve Online players offline for over a week - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/cPU8o2I8VXQ/ #PCGameNews #CCPGames
Game devs and players continue banding together to help the Australian bushfire crisis - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/_CfNe3Cijs8/ #Australianbushfires #DigitalExtremes #fundraising #PLEXforGOOD #PCGameNews #Australia #CCPGames #Charity #Bungie
#Australianbushfires #digitalextremes #fundraising #PLEXforGOOD #pcgamenews #australia #ccpgames #charity #bungie
Eve Online's 10,000 player deathmatch returns this month - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/kO1T-IE83XI/ #FreePCGames #PCGameNews #freegames #CCPGames #Hadean
#freepcgames #pcgamenews #freegames #ccpgames #hadean
EVE helps new pilots put together ships with a new Community Fittings tool - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/mQlfuqg91Pg/ #PCGameNews #CCPGames