18/ OK. Die Speicherkapazität scheint ja zumindest nicht das Problem am zu sein. Die Frage ist natürlich, was nach 2100 passiert, denn wenn wir fröhlich weiteremittieren, brauchen wir auch mehr Speicherkapazitäten.


Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3714 followers · 272823 posts · Server schleuss.online
Michael T Babcock · @mikebabcock
243 followers · 2098 posts · Server floss.social
Byrnejmf · @Byrnejmf
22 followers · 389 posts · Server canada.masto.host
klimareporter° · @klimareporter
3108 followers · 549 posts · Server mstdn.social

Berater von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck befürworten die unterirdische Verpressung von CO2. Neue Proteste gegen -Vorhaben sind programmiert – dann wohl auch gegen die Regierungsgrünen.



Last updated 1 year ago

thomas · @thomas
105 followers · 391 posts · Server snabelen.no

Med økonomiske betingelser rotfestet i Infaltion Reduction Act -lovgivningen og store utslipp å høste av, har USA fått et slags rush av søknader om å sette i gang karbonfangst- og lagringsprosjekter.

Denne ukens nyhet har vært at Equinor nå er med på et stort prosjekt:

#allheimen #Norsktut #ccs

Last updated 1 year ago

Dag · @dagb
172 followers · 1796 posts · Server snabelen.no

Hvis mener er løsningen på klimaproblemet er det vel bare å prise kostnadene inn ved kjøp av gass og olje?

#ccs #Norsktut

Last updated 1 year ago

Grassroots Joe · @joeinwynnewood
364 followers · 5487 posts · Server mstdn.social
Bin Chicken 🗑𓅠 · @BinChicken
293 followers · 2066 posts · Server rants.au

Beware people talking clean hydrogen, they are the ones who brought you clean coal

"Clean Coal" is a furphy, and it's looking like "Clean Hydrogen" is unattainable. In reality, practically all hydrogen made today is extracted from fossil fuels, or is made from water by electrolysis that's powered by a non-renewable source of electricity.

Some people talk about "Blue hydrogen" and claim they're cracked the secret of making it in commercial volumes at a price that's competitive with renewables, but they're not being honest with you about the cost or the quality of their product. Proponents claim that coal — such as Victoria's incredibly dirty, low-quality, high-pollutant brown coal — can be transformed into "Brown Hydrogen" or "Black Hydrogen" by capturing the carbon liberated during the hydrogen extraction process using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Same goes for "Blue Hydrogen" that's extracted from fossil gas.
They're sorta correct, in the sense that you can get out hydrogen. But if you blink you'll miss seeing where the Carbon goes. By then, they'll attempt to scratch off the label to rebrand their dirty hydrogen as "Green Hydrogen".

Herein lies the scam: they're saying is can be done cleanly. The problem is that they're using CSS as part of the process. It would be nice if CCS worked at an industrial scale at any price, but it doesn't. Countless millions of dollars have been poured by governments around the world into CCS pilot-plants at fossil fuel companies. The fossil fuel companies have all pocketed the money and failed to produce results.

Scratch the surface of any hydrogen-bro, and you'll find a hydrocarbon-bro who's deliberately propping-up the unsustainable coal/gas/petrol industry or is an unwitting fool who's science-illiterate.

#auspol #electrifyeverything #renewables #fossilgas #hydrogen #cleanhydrogen #greenhydrogen #bluehydrogen #blackhydrogen #brownhydrogen #carboncaptureandstorage #ccs

Last updated 1 year ago

Charles in Charge · @Shdwshard
2 followers · 48 posts · Server techhub.social

A friend of mine asked about the charging port on my car, casually asking if it was a port.

That’s a rabbit hole in which actually DOES NOT use any fast charging port you’d recognize from another country.

Japan uses a fast charging port called . This, literally, comes from the phrase “Cha de mo” or loosely “how about tea?” Which in Japan is closer to an invitation to a light meal.

This charging port, is almost literally named “how about a snack?”

A slight bit of explanation is needed. Pretty universally, rapid chargers in Japan are time limited to 30 minutes. It’s an odd quirk, but it’s quite predictable, and they generally charge by the minute, not the KWh.

Literally, the rapid chargers were designed to take as long as a light meal to charge a car (at that time) from 20 to 80%.

My car, a , needs a 100kW charger, to achieve this, but a lighter car like a leaf, is perfectly suited to the most common 50kW chargers.

Japan just does things differently.

#ccs #Japan #chademo #solterra

Last updated 1 year ago

Pascal Henneberque ✌🏽 · @PascalH
71 followers · 1096 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Dit is een gematigd negatief artikel over de
Geen enkel land dat inzet op CO2-opslag moet zich rijk rekenen
"De afgelopen vijftien jaar bleef grootschalige afvang en ondergrondse CO2-opslag vooral een belofte"
"Er zijn (ruimschoots) voorbeelden van technische mankementen bij bestaande locaties"
"Zij zijn tot twintig jaar na het injecteren van CO2 verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid en aansprakelijk voor lekkages. In de dertig jaar daarna de staat."


Last updated 1 year ago

FelixCLC (still waiting on HR) · @fclc
489 followers · 1794 posts · Server mast.hpc.social

Weird thinking around , specifically in progress electric designs.

Most designs had been going for , but that's been kiboshed with the recent switch to for north america.

For now I've not seen any plans to address charging for international flights, and the charging infra needed there.

Are we *really* going to have multiple ports on small (<50 passenger) aircraft for charging?

CCS1+CCS2+NACS + {other}?

Also related is how NACS is limited to ~250 kW, vs 400kW for CCS

#ev #aircraft #ccs #nacs

Last updated 1 year ago

Johan Empa · @JohanEmpa
3150 followers · 3858 posts · Server mastodon.green

The cools thing with empty gas fields is that we can drill 3000 metre down below the sea.

Humanity have the technology to see that there is a gas field that deep (or an empty one in this case). That alone is fairly impressive.

We also have the technology to drill all the way down there and pump stuff up or down. While there are tens or hundreds of metre sea water above it.

#drilling #gasfield #ccs

Last updated 1 year ago

"What happens if my view of oil markets is the correct one and [Canada] spends all this money to build all this infrastructure and it becomes stranded assets? Then what are you doing?"
- Energi Media's @MarkhamHislop

PODCAST: podcastics.com/podcast/episode

#abpoli #ccs #cdnpoli #climatechange #ccus #pathwaysalliance

Last updated 1 year ago

Berliner Wassertisch · @berlinerwassertisch
1087 followers · 706 posts · Server bewegung.social

Vielversprechender Podcast: Mit -Gas und
zur ??? Kathrin Vogler im Gespräch mit Oliver Kalusch, Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz (), einem Experten im Netzwerk zum Thema 👍 open.spotify.com/episode/7LDG6

#fracking #lng #energiewende #bbu #gegengasbohren #nolng #stopfracking #ccs

Last updated 1 year ago

Mackaj · @mackaj
259 followers · 2989 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk
mau 🏳️‍🌈#PhaseOutFossilFuels · @mzedp
182 followers · 2397 posts · Server mas.to

This was just shared on my TL as part of a video mocking trumps inability to respond, but much more interesting to me is that it shows there is transversal opposition to CO2 capture and storage projects form the communities affected.

No one wants to be the next Satartia, Mississippi.

If democratic politicians were smart they'd capitalize on that -


#sartaria #mississippi #democrats #uspol #biden #Trump #ccs #carboncapture

Last updated 1 year ago