Irregularly scheduled #cdda update:
23 different spells include maxed Magic Missile. Passed 500 kills. 1 goblin camp wiped. 2 magic forges & 1 refugee center & 1 exodii base visited; bullet bank & Isherwood farm & hub01 located.
Current priority is pulling 32" wheels off humvee wrecks to get APC roadworthy
Gear: Binoculars! Also found Wing Chun & Aikido books, +4 STR ring, nomad bodyglove for Summer.
#cdda #magiclysm #videogames #aar
Tried out a few Android ports of #CDDA. They are more accessible, but as anything build on the ruins of something else, also highlight how problematic the base UI is on any platform.
Yet another CDDA fanart.
Rubik is one of the few characters in the game with extensive dialogue, and interesting speech patterns, which I tried to emulate here.
The game has charger cables you can attach to a power source, to charge your bionics with. The idea about attaching them to the nipples on your end came from the subreddit, but the beauty of tile graphics is of course, the game doesn't tell you otherwise.
Still on break from Kenshi, giving Magiclysm for Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead another go.
My magus has solved 100 problems beginning with "Z" using magic missile, a pipe and her fists.
Current "nice gear" - humvee, folding electric bike with 2 shopping baskets, e-ink tablet with so many books, including Krav Maga & Boxing manuals.
But very little magical stuff, a dense forest and city map and no binoculars to be found anywhere.
Still in starting basement on day 76.
Giving Cataclysm:DDA another go, diving head first with the magyclism mod and ran into a wizard's tower, what's the worst that could happen? Those footsteps from above is probably just a friendly rabbit #roguelike #cataclysm #cdda
I thought it would be nice to do an intro for myself and saw a cool hashtag going around, so here's #10gamestoknowme (in no particular order):
#10gamestoknowme #dwarffortress #celeste #bloodborne #spiderman #prey2017 #minecraft #cultistsimulator #cdda #warhammer40k #hardspaceshipbreaker
This is a concept I've drawn as a reference for a model I'm working on inspired by my CDDA character. He is a rat mutant designed to mislead the viewer and looks like a creature from a fantasy world, but he is equipped with survivor and military gear.
#cdda #rat #furry #anthro #3d #art
Two fanarts for #CDDA
The game is mostly without graphics, tilesets at most, so your experiences with things color how you imagine them in your head. The Flaming Eye, especially, might seem curious at first sight, but it's absolutely terrifying when you know what it can do to you just by glaring at you.
Anyways, #Cataclysm is one of my favorite games. It's free, money wise, but takes a while to get into. I'd hope to get people to try it.
#cdda #cataclysm #cataclysmdarkdaysahead #fanart #roguelike #survival
A #fanart inspired by #CDDA as well as #projectzomboid and that one scene from the Shining.
But I mean, Zombies ... so it might as well be any other zombie story.
There is a nice official cataclysm: dark days ahead community on #lemmy at :blobcatadorable:
#lemmy #cdda #cataclysmdda #roguelike #redditmigration #gaming
Still obsessed with Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead #CDDA
Finally got everything together to tinker with vehicles and made a sweet, mostly wooden solar-powered trike with a shopping trolley and two door compartments for storage.
Actually can't believe that deep-sim games like this or the OG Dwarf Fortress could ever have been free.
Check out this #cdda video series for some great #roleplaying and #survival content in a deeply simulated world with really wacky game lore. What's in a wizard's garage? How does magic missile fare against zombies? Why doesn't this character know how to make scrambled eggs?
C'est marrant comme des fois, on peut se raconter des histoires super simplement. Par exemple là, dans #cdda, à l'entrée d'une ville, je vois un accident de voiture. Un van est percuté par l'arrière par une autre voiture. Sur le côté plusieurs cadavres. L'un porte une robe et un voile de mariée, ainsi qu'une jolie broche, un autre porte un blazer et une belle ceinture. Un dernier est manifestement venu en jean et tshirt Linux, le barbu de la bande.
Et voilà, avec juste quelques élements.
Picked the lab survivor start. Survived down there for 4 days and collected some good kit, even a personal teleporter! Escaped the lab with a fungal infection & radiation poisoning which meant I couldn't outrun even the fat zombs waiting outside. RIP little guy.
Dans cette maison, un combat féroce eu lieu, avec moult grenades et cocktails molotov. Il a fallu s'enfuir, revenir, monter sur les toits, se cacher en hâte et recharger, enfin finir au couteau et au marteau les derniers membres de la horde zombie, attiré par le bruit et le feu, certains envoyant des éclairs ou vomissant de la bile acide. Enfin, la poussière retombée, il a fallu détruire les cadavres, projetant du sang, des tripes et d'autres fluides un peu partout.
Un beau combat dans #cdda.
Cette maison a été le théâtre d'un combat brutal où ont été employés grenades et cocktails molotov, depuis la rue ou les toits, pendant qu'une horde de zombie attaquait sans relâche, attirés par le bruit, certains d'entre eux lançant des éclairs meutriers. Il a fallu s'enfuir, revenir, se cacher, recharger en hâte, et finir les derniers à l'arme blanche. Puis, la poussière retombée, détruire chaque corps méticuleusement pour éviter qu'ils ne reviennent, encore une fois, à la vie.
J'ai mis un moment avant de le voir et ça m'a rendu triste. #cdda
Leger spoil
Foutre le feu au manoir, et faire du crawl dans la piscine en regardant les flammes, et en sirotant un whisky trouvé dans la cave, une certain idée du bonheur.