You all probably already know this but having a digital edition PS5 doesn’t mean you’re limited to buying games from the Playstation Store at full price. You can often find them for cheaper at CDKeys (
(I finally shelled out for God of War Ragnarök and got it at a ~€20 discount there. I hope this doesn’t signal the dearth of my recent productivity.)
#ps5 #playstation #games #gaming #cdkeys #discount
So yes, #Sony did screw me. I talked with customer support, "other gamers," not actual Sony employees. and was told the deal is for a single purchase.
So No premium for me longer than 21 days. This sucks.
Guess I'll just be buying a card from #CDKeys then.
#sony #cdkeys #playstation #psplus #playstationplus #sucks
Well #Sony screwed me out of getting #PSPlus Premium for $80. It's on sale atm. But to get it, you must upgrade first. So I got 40% off 21 days & the sale is spent.
I'm going to complain on live chat tomorrow, but we'll see. If that falls through, I'll cancel on the 1st & buy a 12 month card off of #CDKeys for a 17% discount. Apparently PSN prorates PS+ cards for higher tiers. So I can get Plus Extra for $14 off. Not $20, but it's something. That $20 might save me money too.
#sony #psplus #cdkeys #TourmaGaming
#HorizonForbiddenWest for #PS4 and #PS5 is £26.99 on #CDKeys at the moment. #playstation #blackfriday #sales
#HorizonForbiddenWest #ps4 #ps5 #cdkeys #playstation #blackfriday #sales
For those looking to get a #gift for that #Xbox #gamer in your life, or if you are an Xbox gamer, #CDKeys has a deal for you. The 3-Month Xbox #GamePassUltimate membership is on #sale for Black Friday. Today’s post with the details. #BlackFriday #TGM
#gift #xbox #gamer #cdkeys #gamepassultimate #sale #blackfriday #TGM
Petit bon plan du jour, j'ai chopé une clé Windows 10 Pro officielle pour même pas 10€ 😃😄😇. Je partage pour les intéressé(e)s : .
#Windows #cdkeys #pro #windows10pro #BonPlan
#pro #windows10pro #bonplan #windows #cdkeys