Saying that the Canadian military or any other has to choose between having a more inclusive, diverse military and military effectiveness is presenting a false choice #cdndef #cdnpoli
Canadians, please do this survey on Arctic Security stuff for a student #cdndef #cdnpoli
We had a great conference yesterday. While we had some great panels, I am most excited by the launch of our new CDSN Podcast Network! We are moving #BattleRhythm over there, #ConseilsdeSecurity as well, and two new podcasts: SecurityScape and NATO Field Notes.
In the process, we fixed our apple feed (and you can also get us at the other usual places): #cdnpoli #cdndef #podcast
#battlerhythm #conseilsdesecurity #cdnpoli #cdndef #podcast xenophobia and national security organized by, and a bit of conversation about the future of the CDSN and of the CDSN Podcast Network! Register at
#cdnpoli #cdndef 2/2 Isn't there something about the behavior you walk past is the behavior you accept?
We collectively need to make clear that those who got us into the culture crisis of the present are now in the CAF's past, not present.
I know much happened last week with Remembrance Day, but I am still surprised that we have not seen the leadership of DND or the CAF distance themselves and disavow Maisonneuve's speech at the Vimy Gala. #cdnpoli #cdndef 1/2