“‘Please ensure adherence to records retention requirements, including the documentation of materials received by third parties and only use government emails for work related matters,’ the memo read.” https://globalnews.ca/news/9892929/doug-ford-faces-questions-personal-phone/ #cdnfoi #SecretCanada
RT @tom_cardoso: The Secret Canada project is still (slowly) growing. We've just added two new hospitals to our database: SickKids and the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, both in Toronto. Have a look: https://www.secretcanada.com/institutions-we-track #cdnfoi #SecretCanada #press
“The report also calls on the government to tie senior public servants’ bonuses to their access performance and change the funding mechanism for the Information Commissioner’s office. It says that all released access requests should be published in full in a searchable database.” #cdnpoli #cdnfoi #GCdigital https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-parliament-mps-access-to-information/
“My experience with this [Freedom of Information request], and what I eventually learned about how this group of public servants had worked together to deny my legitimate requests for information, was a wakeup call. The experience radicalized me, and showed me how many officials administering this system actually view the law – and the principles of openness and transparency – they have pledged to uphold.” @tomcardoso #cdnfoi #cdnpoli https://www.secretcanada.com/news/foi-rejection-radicalized-reporter
A new blog from me: a 2.5-year review of the Access to Information Act by federal bureaucrats turns out to be an inside job.
https://www.deanbeeby.ca/blog/echo-chamber #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
New blog from me: Fresh stats this week suggest Cdn reporters bailing on FOI in droves. https://www.deanbeeby.ca/blog/reporters-bailing-on-foi #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
Prime Minister, federal ministers should not be exempt from access laws, former top public servant says. By Marie Woolf &
http://theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-prime-minister-federal-ministers-should-be-covered-by-access-laws/ #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
Commons ETHI cmttee to hear frm 2 witnesses tdy (at 3:30p) in study of Access to Info:
Michael Wernick, Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management, uOttawa (former PCO clerk)
Kirk Lapointe, Business in Vcr, Glacier Media
View here: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2?fk=11920244
#cdnfoi #cdnpoli
Code grey: Inside a 'catastrophic' IT failure at an Ottawa hospital. Story based on Ontario FOI records obtained by CBC's Avanthika Anand & Falice Chin
http://cbc.ca/1.6656370 #cdnfoi #ontfoi
Greetings, Mastodon! This is my first post, which I'll use to introduce myself. I've been a journalist in Canada since 1981, with The Canadian Press (1983-2014), the CBC Parliamentary bureau (2014-19), and now independent. My specialty is freedom-of-information laws, largely Canada's Access to Information Act. I blog here: deanbeeby.ca, a website that also includes a CV, resources & further contact information. #cdnfoi #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #introduction
#cdnfoi #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #introduction