On passing counterfeit notes (1826) - a case in which the convicted party ultimately claimed to have purchased them and the box in which they were concealed in "specie and #Quebec bills" from "a man named Page, in Dunham, Lower Canada [Quebec]." We know that cross-border counterfeiting networks existed, though we know relatively little in terms of specifics. #money #history #histodons #CdnHist #HistQC #numismatics #banknotes @histodons
Source: The Quebec Mercury, February 7, 1826
#banknotes #numismatics #histqc #cdnhist #histodons #history #money #quebec
If you're looking for #books to read over the long weekend, you could do worse than this #history of #LabourDay #LaborDay in #Canada penned by Craig Heron and my colleague Steve Penfold, "The Workers' Festival: A History of Labour Day in Canada" (2005). #Labour #LabourHistory #histodons #CdnHist
#cdnhist #histodons #labourhistory #labour #Canada #laborday #labourday #history #books
Adele Perry with a fabulous biographical summary of BC:
"British Columbia was born in the first half of the nineteenth century, the awkward and disappointing child of the fur trade and British imperial expansion."
(On the Edge of Empire, 9)
She takes a while to get there, but in the closing paragraph of the last chapter of her ambitious and deeply erudite "Civilization: From Enlightenment Philosophy to Canadian History," Elsbeth Heaman makes a pithy and, in my view, wholly convincing argument that in #Canada (and, I would say, in many other places) we need more #history. #histodons #CdnHist @histodons
#cdnhist #histodons #history #Canada
This dense and remarkably ambitious book was brand new and in perfect condition when I started reading it a few months back. With a little luck, I'll finish my review next week and my copy will earn a well-earned respite from my less than gentle attentions. #histodons #CdnHist @histodons
1/2 Two views of the Alaska-Canada border. From September 1980, the Canadian sign has been vandalized with a "USA No. 1" message. #alaskahistory #alaska #cdnhist
#alaskahistory #alaska #cdnhist
Today I take over as Assoc. Ed. of the Canadian Historical Review. Before becoming co-editor in a year, I'll be learning the ropes and considering how the CHR could better serve #CdnHist. Feel free to drop me a line!
Aujourd'hui, j'entame le poste de directeur associé du CHR. Avant de devenir co-directeur dans 1 an, j'apprendrai le fonctionnement de la revue et réfléchirai sur les manières de l'améliorer. Soyez à l'aise de me glisser un mot !
Today is the centenary of Canada's Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 - known colloquially as the Exclusion Act. It was in effect until 1947, and under it, a bare handful of Chinese immigrants were able to enter the country. Even after its repeal, Chinese immigration remained restricted for a further twenty years under broader anti-Asian restrictions. For this reason, Dominion or Canada Day was known as Humiliation Day among Chinese Canadians.
More: https://pier21.ca/before-and-after-1923-chinese-exclusion-context
Love this image from during the Komagata Maru incident. The dynamics here are instructive, I think.
City of Vancouver Archives,
CVA 141-1 - Komagata Maru incident in Vancouver Harbour
One of my favourite NFB propaganda pieces on Canadian Immigration history...
"Farmers for Canada: Dutch Family Makes a New Start" - Eye Witness No. 53
Well, #museum and #archive nerds, what's a collections favouriite?
Mine: https://5104.sydneyplus.com/final/portal.aspx?lang=en-US&g_AABF=di2013.1558&d=d
This is a family that came from the Netherlands to Canada in 1957, and the visual representation of the voyage to Canada is just amazing.
#museum #archive #cdnimm #cdnhist
Pendant que les enfants étaient aux scouts ce soir, j'ai passé une petite heure dans la cour de l'école George-Étienne Cartier à Toronto à écrire sur les investissements troublants des fonds autochtones facilités par ... George-Étienne Cartier. #HistQC #CdnHist #histodons
Pendant que les enfants étaient aux scouts ce soir, j'ai passé une petite heure dans la cour de l'école George-Étienne Cartier à Toronto à écrire sur les investissements troublants des fonds autochtones facilités par ... George-Étienne Cartier. #HistQC #CdnHist #histodons
Today I am baking cinnamon buns at work while reading up on Portuguese immigration to Canada.
We're doing a little internal workshop on food & immigration, and part of it was the invitation to bring a food with a personal connection...
#publichistory #cdnimm #cdnhist
Free event in #Halifax for #ArchivesDay:
NFB & Canadian Museum of Immigration screening "Unarchived," a film dealing with communities left out of traditional archives. 1400 at Pier 21.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/unarchived-tickets-643701467417
#halifax #archivesday #cdnhist #archives #libraries
Have you read the whole Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report? Well, if not, or if it's been a while, here's a good option: a youtube playlist of many volunteers with different connections to the matter reading it.
Had occasion to recommend this to a colleague today; worth circulating broadly now and again.
What a wonderful 3-day conference of the Canadian Historical Association - the best I've ever attended (mis à part la très, très faible participation de collègues francophones). Now for sleep - I'm getting too old for this - and a good long period of reflection. #CHASHC2023 #histodons #CdnHist
#cdnhist #histodons #chashc2023
In the wild! #histodons #CdnHist #ShamelessSelfPromotion
#shamelessselfpromotion #cdnhist #histodons
Tomorrow at the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association!
#history #histodons #Mississauga #Mississaugas #colonialism #CdnHist @histodons
The full program is here: https://cha-shc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/CHA-AM-2023-online-final-May-25.pdf
#cdnhist #colonialism #mississaugas #mississauga #histodons #history