I'm pretty happy that my brain has decided to cool off with the #geopolitics obsession and veer towards #CDramas & #Kdramas instead. Yipee! Much healthier and way more fun.
As per my usual streak of obsessive topics, I've created a #Kdrama & #Cdrama blog, Youtube channel & podcast. To be fair, I've blogged about shows off and on, but thought it was best to consolidate it to one space to not confuse people who visit my personal site.
Blog: https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/
#geopolitics #cdramas #kdramas #kdrama #cdrama
Welp! I guess I am watching this when it comes out cos I am still hungover from #MysteriousLotusCasebook 😆
It's gonna be weird watching Cheng Yi in a modern drama for once.
Apparently this was filmed years ago, but maybe due to Cheng Yi's popularity this season Youku decided to bank on it.
Smart move and I am totally trapped by it 🤣
#mysteriouslotuscasebook #southwindknows #cdrama #cdramas
#cdrama male lead 1 figured out the switch almost immediately. male lead 2 had to have someone tell him. god bless.
#cdrama okay this show has everything. a rich young master who is pretending to be an invalid to escape the schemes of his evil cousin, an evil cousin, girl dressed as a boy to infiltrate the army, a general filled with horny confusion at being attracted to a girl dressed as a boy to join the army,
Thought my #CDrama pals would appreciate seeing an old HK Manga of Jin Yong's Condor Heroes
#cdrama i just started wrong carriage, right groom and i must say its off to a great start. so far the female leads had a meet-cute in a temple on the day of their respective weddings and spent the whole time cooing about how pretty the other was, then they exchanged jewelry and became “sworn sisters” by bowing to the temple statue
As if I didn't need more hobbies, I created a #CDrama and #KDrama blog ... and #Youtube & maybe podcast channel. Lol. Still in the nascent stage.
Before, I jumped threw everything into my personal blog. But I realised that it's just more efficient to group my reviews on one blog.
Who knows maybe I can sell for a million bucks in the future bwahaha.
#cdrama #kdrama #youtube #cdramas #kdramas #blog
I really salute how Word of Honour pushed so much past the censors too.
I loved AvenueX's review of it. She said you could hear everyone in China collectively gasp when WKX cut off ZZS's sleeve.
Imagine how much better #CDrama land would be without censorship
Meteor, Butterfly, Sword deserves so much more than 7.5 rating it has on MDL. It is easily an 8.5 show, better than the modern cdramas rated that high that is being produced these days. The storytelling is 👌
Shows with high popularity and are easily accessible by international audiences ala Netflix gets rated super highly.
A lot of times shows that are not easily available internationally or are older (created before MDL for eg) gets ignored and that's a pity.
Binge watched "Love and Redemption" with my twisted ankle and lots of ice packs on pillows.
I am impressed at how the entire drama is just one gigantic social commentary on the very Chinese style of racism.
For a second I was like "Wait, does #SleuthofMingDynasty have that #cDrama typical Gutpunch-Tragic-Death-Moment? 🤔 "
And then I remembered :blobcatmeltcry:
Hi, posting a short #introduction ... after moving instances.
I am Kazahana. My interests are: #TheUntamed #WordOfHonor #Hualian #WenZhou #Kdrama #Dorama #Thaidrama #Cdrama #Kpop #Tgcf #Anime #Manga #Movies #Cats #Rain #Stargazing #Botany #gardening
Hope to find like-minded people🥰
#introduction #theuntamed #wordofhonor #HuaLian #Wenzhou #kdrama #dorama #thaidrama #cdrama #kpop #tgcf #anime #manga #movies #cats #rain #stargazing #botany #gardening #introductionpost
The first Trailer for #JoyOfLife is out
Enjoy those 60 Seconds of complete bliss to FINALLY soothe your waiting heart.
#cdrama #chinesedrama #c-drama
#joyoflife #cdrama #chinesedrama #c
You know it is a sign of a good #CDrama if you have binged up to 11 episodes in an afternoon. Meteor, Butterfly, Sword is as good as I remember it. Even better now that I can watch it with English subs (watched it originally without).
Ngl it is super weird watching the villain of #MysteriousLotusCasebook as a righteous hero (he's not the male lead). 😆
Show is on Youtube btw: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU39TFGUKRrNx5L35JKUaZENK_7O_ELtA&si=hBoXUWeJo6PyMk8I
#cdrama #mysteriouslotuscasebook #cdramas #China #tv #wuxia
I have watched a bazillion versions of the Laughing Proud Wanderer by Jin Yong, but this 2001 adaptation starring Li Ya Peng remains THE BEST IMHO.
I mean just listen to this song. Isn't this the most #Wuxia theme song ever.
Also makes me infinitely sad that very few #CDramas even approach this quality anymore. And these days so many subpar shows are ❤️ by international fans makes my 💔 a little because THEY DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER 😭
#wuxia #cdramas #cdrama #China #tv #fantasy
I found my fix after watching #MysteriousLotusCasebook - Meteor, Butterfly, Sword. It is based on a novel by Gulong & very underrated! I have been looking for it forever. It's about an assassin who falls in love but it is more than that. It is deep, dark & complex - itwill probably never pass China's censors today due to that. (Happy ending tho!)
The episodes are on Youtube with English subs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSIJismKOisGiS6PkRAHJa0rZ_YL06en8&si=XDJ__HpehbWcyf7K
Watch it! It is really good, promise.
#mysteriouslotuscasebook #cdrama #cdramas #tv #taiwan #China
OK I admit it toddler Tian Yao is cute
#backfromthebrink #cdrama #cdramas #tv #China
Back to watching #BackFromTheBrink, but at episode 23. I had to skip the love triangle segue after episode 15 to make it bearable for myself ;D It is actually not bad!
#backfromthebrink #cdrama #cdramas #China #tv
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms is what got me back into #CDramas. Youtube recommended a video with the show's theme song, and I was like, hmm, what is this? Watched a few eps, then I was 😍
In this #Cdrama the hero (Ye hua) screwed up so royally that the heroine (Bai Qian) totally gave up on the relationship in the most dramatic way. Ye Hua tries to win her back & her love returns but after A LOT OF PAIN.
Only drama that has made me shed tears. Ever.
#cdramas #cdrama #romance #China #tv #xianxia
I may not like #BackFromTheBrink on the whole, but I really like the two lead actors. They're fine. Like Neo Hou is like REALLY FIIINE if you know what I mean.
But it's just a pity it was stuffed full of filler episodes & had an abrupt change in quality by episode 15.
Also, I really, really like the OST, especially this song sung by Neo.
I like actors who can sing like this 😜
#CDrama #Cdramas #China #TV #Music
#backfromthebrink #cdrama #cdramas #China #tv #music