Part 7 of my son Aaron’s log as he hikes the #cdt #hiking … Free hot drinks, charging stations, Wi-Fi, bathroom, seating areas, books, etc. They even run a daily shuttle to the trailhead, a good backup if I’m unable to hitch in the morning. I found a hotel for the night and hope to get some good rest, which I seem to be lacking on this trip. 3 hotel nights out of 27 total nights. More than I had hoped, but not too bad. Total mileage so far is 566.
Part 6 of my son Aaron’s log as he hikes the #cdt #hiking … 9/10: I hitched into Lake City with a hunter, the first successful hunter I’ve met. He killed a female elk the first hour of opening morning and then made several trips to his camp and back to ruck out a few hundred pounds of meat. He was more tired than I was but still in good spirits. In town there was a very nice hiker center. It’s maintained by the Presbyterian church…
Part 5 of my son Aaron’s log as he hikes the #cdt #hiking … He is living out of his truck for a month, spending time fishing and hiking, and he has a pretty sweet mobile setup, solar power included. He gave me a few apples, took my trash, and made me coffee. I hiked a few hours in the afternoon with SeeMore. He stopped early, at the edge of the tree line below San Luis, which he’ll climb in the morning. I also met a few friendly hunters today, deer and bighorn sheep…
Part 4 of my son Aaron as he is hiking the #cdt #hiking … 9/9: In the morning I met Steve the fisherman at Eddiesville TH. He’s hiked the PCT and CT, so we had a lot to talk about, but the coolest thing was that he knew all about the area north of Dubois, Wyoming: Double Cabin, Frontier Creek, and the campground hosts Bev and Arvil, who I got to know pretty well while I was camping before and during the eclipse in 2017…
Part 3 as my son Aaron hikes the #cdt … He is hiking the Colorado Trail and is adding on a lot of 14,000 foot peaks as well. 8 in total I think, the final one being San Luis in the next few days. He carries a 10x magnifying glass to read his phone. I climbed just above 10,000 feet to camp. The trail won’t drop below 10,000 feet for the next 210 miles. I only saw 4 people today. #hiking
Part 2 from my son Aaron on the #cdt #hiking He has hiked the Grand Enchantment Trail, which is impressive because it’s more of a cross country route than a trail from what I’ve heard. It runs from the Phoenix area to Albuquerque. Only saw about 10 people today.
9/8: I hiked with SeeMore most of the day. Nice fella. He has genetic vision problems, that have been worsening all his life, but that doesn’t slow him down…
Captains Log from my son Aaron as he is hiking the #cdt 9/6: I eased into the day and only hiked from noon to six. The trail is pretty smooth out of Monarch Pass. I managed 17 miles.
9/7: 29 miles today, longest yet. Met Stingray and his hiking partner. Both of their filters froze last night so I helped them out with some chlorine tabs to get them through to the next stop. Met Graham as well, an older hiker from the Superstition Mountain area. #hiking …
とりあえずの1台…の選択肢にはなってそう。新規1円、オークションで1万円強の全部入りスマホ、モトローラ「moto g53y 5G」は使える? (1/2) #cdt
スマホの残債を1年で免除 ドコモの「いつでもカエドキプログラム+」がビジネスとして成立するワケ:石野純也のMobile Eye(1/3 ページ) - ITmedia Mobile #cdt
まあそうだよね…。固定回線セットの割引後の料金が“大きい”のは、やはり微妙 #cdt
オルビック、遅れていたスマホ等の発売を告知--なぜ遅れたのか、独占インタビュー - CNET Japan #cdt
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ワイモバイルの新料金プラン「シンプル2」徹底解説、「irumo」やUQ mobileとも比較 - ケータイ Watch #cdt
aiwaが約3万円のAndroidタブレット、10.1インチで6GB/128GB - ケータイ Watch #cdt
理由が気になる。ドコモ、各料金プランで楽天カード利用不可に 受付再開時期は「楽天カード側と調整」 #cdt
Switch『ゲームセンターCX 1+2』発売決定。DS版の1作目と2作目を1本にまとめてリマスター&新作レトロ風ゲームも収録 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com #cdt
Update from my son Aaron. Sodas, socks and scenery. He’s resupplying at Monarch Pass Colorado today. #aaronhikes #cdt2023 #cdt #thruhiker #hiking #ct
#aaronhikes #cdt2023 #cdt #thruhiker #hiking #ct
【ミニ四駆】40年の歴史を振り返る初のパッケージ画集が発売。『ダッシュ!四駆郎』や『爆走兄弟レッツ&ゴー!!』のポスターマンガなど秘蔵資料も収録 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com #cdt
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