Bonus Photo of the Day 24th August 2023.
G-BSRC, Cessna 1250M, parked at Liverpool Speke, some time in the early 1990s.
#Liverpool #Speke #LPL #EGGP #Cessna #CE150
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#Liverpool #speke #lpl #eggp #cessna #ce150 #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 26th April 2023.
G-PLAN, Reims-Cessna F150L, parked by the control tower at City Airport Manchester / Barton, 19th May 2016.
#manchester #CityAirport #Barton #EGCB #Reims #Cessna #CE150
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #cityairport #barton #egcb #reims #cessna #ce150 #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 3 24th April 2023.
G-AVER, Reims-Cessna F150G, flaring for landing at City Airport Manchester/Barton, 23rd May 2019.
#Manchester #CityAirport #Barton #EGCB #Reims #Cessna #CE150
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #cityairport #barton #egcb #reims #cessna #ce150 #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
G-BSRC, Cessna 150M, at Liverpool Speke Airport, some time in the 1990s.
#avgeek #planespotting #liverpool #speke #lpl #eggp #cessna #ce150
#ce150 #cessna #eggp #lpl #speke #liverpool #planespotting #avgeek
Bonus Photo of the Day 2019-10-24.
G-FAYE, Cessna F150M, Cheshire Air Training School, at Liverpool Airport, some time in the 1990s.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #liverpool #speke #lpl #eggp #banksRoad #cessna #ce150
#ce150 #cessna #banksRoad #eggp #lpl #speke #liverpool #potd #planespotting #avgeek