D(e)F: EU asylum and migration: When is the crisis over and when is it business as usual?
By Alezini Loxa
Part 10 of the thematic series on #EUreform with
#EUasylum #EUmigration #MigrationPact #CEAS
#eureform #euasylum #EUmigration #migrationpact #ceas
It is unacceptable to let this shit repeat itself on high scale. #FreedomOfMovement for all needs to be a basic #humanright.
Let's fight #CEAS and the fortification of #Europe! #Solidarity against #borders!
#borders #solidarity #europe #ceas #humanright #freedomofmovement
1/3🔴Abolish Borders, Not Human Rights!Yesterday the Interior Ministers of the #EU decided on inhumane changes to the Common European Asylum System (#CEAS). The changes effectively amount to an abolition of the individual right to asylum. https://t.co/ArytSzfGwL
3/4 We also expect Minister of the Interior Faeser to vote against the undermining of the right to asylum at tomorrow’s EU meeting of interior ministers. Together with over 60 organisations, we demand that the German government oppose the reform of the #CEAS! @ProAsyl@twitter.com
How has #Brexit impacted Ireland's participation in the Common European Asylum System (#CEAS)?
JANINE SILGA continues our current debate '50 years in and out of Europe'.
The European Union Agency for Asylum (#EUAA) High-Level Roundtable on Developments in judicial dialogue through the case-law of #ECJ, @ECHR_CEDH@twitter.com and national courts in the field of the Common European Asylum System is taking place in the Court’s premises today and tomorrow #CEAS
The European Union Agency for Asylum (#EUAA) High-Level Roundtable on Developments in judicial dialogue through the case-law of #ECJ, @ECHR_CEDH@twitter.com and national courts in the field of the Common European Asylum System is taking place in the Court’s premises today and tomorrow #CEAS