What happens between the knots? This volume is informed by themes found in the work of #CeciliaVicuña, including #ecofeminism, indigenous forms of knowledge, poetry and politics, dissolution and extinction, exile, dematerialization, regeneration, and environmental responsibility.
#ceciliavicuna #ecofeminism #sternbergpress
CULTURA| #CeciliaVicuña es elegida entre las cien figuras más poderosas del arte contemporáneo por la revista #ArtReview
It was a true honor and gift to have met Shipibo-Conibo artist #SaraFlores (and #ceciliavicuña!) during Sara’s recent exhibition at Clearing Gallery organized by the #ShipiboConiboCenter
Sara is a master of “kené”, and the paintings you see are all painted by hand on white cotton, using natural dyes, and without rulers.
#saraflores #ceciliavicuna #shipiboconibocenter #indigenous #craft #artist #kene #shipiboart #shipiboconibo
Thursday at 6:30: On Public Monuments: Contemporary Art and Social Protest in Chile https://globalcenters.columbia.edu/events/public-monuments-contemporary-art-and-social-protest-chile #Monuments #PublicArt #SocialProtestArt #Chile #LatinAmericanArt #CeciliaVicuña
#monuments #publicArt #socialprotestart #Chile #latinamericanart #ceciliavicuna