Happy Pride Month! On this episode of #Elden_Ring, witness my treacherous journey to Altus Plateau where I met my soulmates - the #Celebrants aka my "Pagan Polycule"!
🔗 https://youtu.be/mlTNEMV8J9U
#EldenRing #EldenRingGameplay #Elden_Ring_Gameplay #Soulsborne #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #AltusPlateau #Altus_Plateau #PutridAvatar #Putrid_Avatar #ErdtreeAvatar #Erdtree_Avatar #CleanrotKnight #Cleanrot_Knight #Greyoll #EldenDragonGreyoll #Elden_Dragon_Greyoll #GraftedScion #Grafted_Scion #LionGuardian #Lion_Guardian #Golem #UlceratedTreeSpirit #Ulcerated_Tree_Spirit #Omenkiller #AdanThiefOfFire #Adan_Thief_Of_Fire #Adan #CrucibleKnight #Crucible_Knight #MagmaWyrmMakar #Magma_Wyrm_Makar #MagmaWyrm #Magma_Wyrm #AncientDragonLansseax #Ancient_Dragon_Lansseaux #AncientDragon #Ancient_Dragon #Lansseaux #Wormface #GodskinApostle #Godskin_Apostle #MinorErdtree #Minor_Erdtree #Erdtree #Caelid #Liurnia #Limgrave #StormveilCastle #Stormveil_Castle #Stormveil #Leyndell #LeyndellRoyalCapital #Leyndell_Royal_Capital #RoyalCapital #Royal_Capital #Dominula #WindmillVillage #Windmill_Village #DominulaWindmillVillage #Dominula_Windmill_Village #Gaming #VideoGames #Commentary #Kabba_Plays #Australian #Aussie #LGBTQIA+ #Neurodivergent #Leftist #Polyamorous #Fantasy #FantasyGames #Fantasy_Games #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers
#elden_ring #celebrants #eldenring #eldenringgameplay #elden_ring_gameplay #soulsborne #soulsbornecommunity #eldenringcommunity #altusplateau #altus_plateau #putridavatar #putrid_avatar #erdtreeavatar #erdtree_avatar #cleanrotknight #cleanrot_knight #greyoll #eldendragongreyoll #elden_dragon_greyoll #graftedscion #grafted_scion #lionguardian #lion_guardian #golem #ulceratedtreespirit #ulcerated_tree_spirit #omenkiller #adanthiefoffire #adan_thief_of_fire #adan #crucibleknight #crucible_knight #magmawyrmmakar #magma_wyrm_makar #magmawyrm #magma_wyrm #ancientdragonlansseax #ancient_dragon_lansseaux #ancientdragon #ancient_dragon #lansseaux #wormface #godskinapostle #godskin_apostle #minorerdtree #minor_erdtree #erdtree #caelid #liurnia #limgrave #stormveilcastle #stormveil_castle #stormveil #leyndell #leyndellroyalcapital #leyndell_royal_capital #royalcapital #royal_capital #dominula #windmillvillage #windmill_village #dominulawindmillvillage #dominula_windmill_village #gaming #videogames #commentary #kabba_plays #australian #aussie #lgbtqia #neurodivergent #leftist #polyamorous #fantasy #fantasygames #fantasy_games #kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers
Love poem for runners : The Master Speed by Robert Frost
#runners #running #specialinterests #poems #love #celebrants #entheosireland
I will break the ice with this poem for cat parents/lovers.
#catsofmastodon #cats #cat #specialinterests #poems #love #celebrants #entheosireland
So, jetzt höre ich mal in Ruhe durch die neue #NickelCreek-Platte.
"#Celebrants" scheint ein wenig sperriger (nicht ganz so poppig) zu sein, aber mir gefällt es.
#nickelcreek #celebrants #bluegrass #folk #americana
I know it’s been out for a few weeks now, but tonight is my first listen start-to-finish of #NickelCreek “#Celebrants” and … my God what insane chord progressions. This is like the Mahler’s 8th of #progressivebluegrass. #wtaf
#nickelcreek #celebrants #progressivebluegrass #wtaf
I’m looking forward to speaking and answering questions about the need for and practicalities of marriage law at this Association of Independent Celebrants webinar next month. Head over to their Instagram page for more details and keep an eye out for sign up details: https://lnkd.in/e9HVKWw9
#marriage #marriages #wedding #weddings #reform #gettingmarried #celebrants #law
#law #celebrants #gettingmarried #reform #weddings #wedding #marriages #marriage
I'm enjoying this beautiful new music from #nickelcreek #holdingpattern #celebrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekd56l9JQMI
#celebrants #HoldingPattern #nickelcreek
New #NickelCreek album #Celebrants, out March 24!
Here's the video for "Strangers":
Six months since the Law Commission’s final report on wedding law (https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/weddings/) as we await the Government’s response, here’s my summary of what the report said: https://lawandreligionuk.com/2022/07/23/deja-i-do-some-initial-thoughts-on-the-law-commissions-celebrating-marriage-report/
#law #marriage #marriages #wedding #weddings #lawreform #lawcommission #celebrants #humanists #humanist
#humanist #humanists #celebrants #lawcommission #lawreform #weddings #wedding #marriages #marriage #law
Bought a collection of Indian poetries to add a bit of variety in the reading collections for couples to chose from for their #weddings
#weddings #celebrants #irishweddings #entheosireland