Aca-friends, out of curiosity, does anyone assign any of my work in their syllabus? If you do, would you mind sharing the name of the module and where you are? #FanStudies #CelebrityStudies
2 more days until proposals are due. Submit yours today! #PCAACA23 #celebritystudies #PopCulture #celebrities #celebstudies
#pcaaca23 #celebritystudies #popculture #celebrities #celebstudies
Hi all! Hoping to connect with fellow #commodon academics, and other lovely folk here. I am a Lecturer in Communication and Media, and research #popularculture, #CelebrityStudies and #FanStudies
#commodon #popularculture #celebritystudies #fanstudies
An intro: my research intersects fan and celebrity studies, and of late I've been interested in what I call 'Hollywood's diversity project'. Currently focused on the transcultural fandoms of East/Southeast Asian celebrities, especially those who have transplanted to Hollywood. I'm also board member of UK-based Fan Studies Network & one of the incoming Editors-in-Chief of Popular Communication. #FanStudies #CelebrityStudies #Commodon
#commodon #celebritystudies #fanstudies