Thanks @mk30 !
The weather was kind to me. Not only was it relatively warm, but we also had some rain. For the first time in a few years, my 3 1000l #IBCs were not empty by mid April. So I had some water to give the salads greens a little push.
Hopefully, I didn't get over-confident with planting #celeriac - a crop that usually fails for me because I'm holding back too much with the water. 😉
Celeriac has serious alien tentacle vibes
#Celeriac #VegetableGrowing #KitchenGarden
#kitchengarden #vegetablegrowing #celeriac
My organic veggie delivery box had a couple rooty-looking things called #celeriac in it. I’ve heard of it but never eaten before. Omg it’s amazing in salad! It’s like when you get a good head of celery and you peel all the stalks back and if you’re lucky there’s a little “heart” in there. Celeriac is that heart but in a nice big globe! Mild celery flavour, slightly carrot-like texture but not as juicy or crunchy as a carrot. Delicious! (salad for dinner but with big lump of cheese for calories)
Definitely a roasted celeriac, carrot and thyme soup kind of day! Made from very locally grown, seasonal, organic veg from barely two miles away. Ergo minimal environmental impact. I’m deliberately trying to make better choices. Are you?
What’s more, it’s packing the vitamins and minerals in on this 🥶 day!
#soup #celeriac #carrot #rootvegetable #nutrition #cold #vegan #vegetarian #seasonal #environment #lunch #healthyeating #climatechange
#soup #celeriac #carrot #rootvegetable #nutrition #cold #vegan #vegetarian #seasonal #environment #lunch #healthyeating #ClimateChange
#Celeriac, baked whole and sliced into steaks, finished in oven with #stilton and #walnut topping. To go with roast #venison. And #cauliflower parboiled and finished in royal game soup for #gravy. #lingonberry jam. #recipe #veggiebox
#veggiebox #recipe #lingonberry #gravy #cauliflower #venison #walnut #stilton #celeriac
Does anyone eat #celeriac in the United States? Is there a place I can buy it near Chicago?