還記得之前聊過的雙 #Celeron 系統嗎?
今天再介紹一套雙 #CPU 系統
2006 年當 #AMD 還在嘲笑 #Intel 膠水黏起來的 #Pentium D 時
殊不知 Intel 端出了同樣也是原生雙核心的 #Core 2 Duo 系列
效能全面輾壓 AMD 競品 #Athlon X2
同時更端出也是"黏出來"的 Core 2 Quad
更是打的 AMD 一個措手不及
為了跟 Intel 在「 #四核心 」這個未知戰場一決高下
在 AMD 的產品空窗期之時
只好先借用了伺服器產品 #Opteron 的設計
推出基於 #Socket F ( LGA1207 但在最終產品稱為 Socket L1)
的 #QuadFX 系列
裝上了兩顆 #雙核心 CPU
然而高功耗與高價並未帶來相對應的效能與 Core 2 Quad 匹敵
#celeron #cpu #amd #intel #pentium #core #athlon #四核心 #opteron #socket #quadfx #雙核心 #Allen講看看 #台灣Vtuber #vtubers #vtuber #taiwan
"Andreas, läuft auf den alten #ThinClients auch #Minecraft?"
Hm, interessante Überlegung! Der #Raspberry Desktop https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/raspberry-pi-desktop/ lässt sich mit dem #Celeron N3010 ganz gut bedienen und die 32GB SSD hat auch genug Platz.
Dann hier https://www.minecraft.net/de-de/download/alternative doch mal die minecraft.deb runter geladen und installiert. Die Updates dauern etwas und man muss das Sichtfeld einschränken, aber "ja", es läuft!
#celeron #raspberry #minecraft #thinclients
The Beelink U59 Pro
Hot on the heels of getting borg assembled to go into my server closet, I decided to get myself a Beelink U59 Pro mini-PC to use as a beefier thin client, and these are my notes on it.(...)
#celeron #music #thinclient #remotedesktop #n5105 #hardware #beelink #bitwig #minipc #fedora #linux
#celeron #music #thinclient #remotedesktop #N5105 #hardware #beelink #bitwig #minipc #fedora #linux
So, following my request for input on possible #x86 based #SBC solutions, the following were mentioned to me (thanks to all who responded):
Atom Pi
LattePanda V1
Zima Board
Odroid H3+
and the Rock Pi X I mentioned myself.
Unfortunately, with the exception of the Odroid H3+, none of them seem to be easily available here in europe (germany) at the moment. And the Odroid H3+ is quite impressive but at ~250€ rather expensive.
See, what I want to do is replace the Pi3 B+ I'm currently using in this #C64 case along with the #RetroPie distribution. I built this around 2013, starting with a Pi 1 Model B and used it for #retrogaming. But now I also use #Kodi with it and I'd really like the hardware to have just a little more punch.
Maybe I should try and get some #microITX #Celeron or #Atom mainboard and try that instead. If it fits. But that would require a barrel connector on the mainboard. Not every miniITX has one, right?
#x86 #sbc #c64 #retropie #microitx #celeron #atom #kodi #retrogaming
@filippodb io ho preso da eBay case e mobo+cpu+ram, 45e totali
Un #celeron J1900 ma mi farà da server. È che non mi sono ricordato del CM Q300L che ho già se no non prendevo il case (pagato 15e spedito quindi chissene)
Alimentatore 500w che sulla 12v mette 23A, totale 276w, più 66w sulla 3.3v e 90w sulla 5v, nemmeno sommando esce 500. Meno male che il #celeron j1900 consuma 10w
Когда-то реклама компании #Intel утверждала, что наклейка «Intel Pentium Inside» дает гарантию, что вы приобрели именно мощный компьютер на самом мощном в мире процессоре. Однако торговым маркам (как и денежным знакам) свойственна инфляция, так что #Pentium — давно уже не признак элитарности, а всего лишь подтверждение того, что вы не оказались в рядах владельцев #Celeron :) Короче говоря, это младшее из более-менее «полноценных» семейств процессоров, произведенных Intel и не более того.
15 сентября 2009 Г.
#цитатник #история #железо #intel #pentium #celeron
#Intel drops Intel #Pentium en Intel #Celeron brand names in notebooks
Intel 官方宣布,從 2023 年開始,將不會有 Pentium、Celeron 這兩種處理器,全部統稱「Intel Processor」。
追蹤 IG:https://bit.ly/3DHQmwH
#intel #Pentium #Celeron #科技新聞
#科技新聞 #celeron #pentium #intel
The new “Intel Processor” will replace Pentium and Celeron CPU branding in 2023
#IntelProcessor #Celeron #Pentium #Intel #Tech
#IntelProcessor #celeron #pentium #intel #tech
The new “Intel Processor” will replace Pentium and Celeron CPU branding in 2023 - Enlarge (credit: Intel)
Intel's processor lineup used to be, i... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1882032 #intelprocessor #celeron #pentium #intel #tech
#tech #intel #pentium #celeron #intelprocessor
“Ce problème a été découvert dans les processeurs #Pentium, #Celeron et #Atom” : mise en lumière d’une nouvelle vulnérabilité impactant certaines micro-puces #Intel !
https://blog.sosordi.net/2021/11/ce-probleme-a-ete-decouvert-dans-les-processeurs-pentium-celeron-et-atom-mise-en-lumiere-dune-nouvelle-vulnerabilite-impactant-certaines-micro-puces-intel.html #securite #IoT #voituresautonomes #laptops #ordinateurs
#pentium #celeron #atom #intel #securite #iot #voituresautonomes #laptops #ordinateurs
Intel Fixes High-Severity Flaw in Performance Analysis Tool - The flaw, in Intel VTune Profiler, could enable privilege escalation. more: https://threatpost.com/intel-fixes-high-severity-flaw-in-performance-analysis-tool/151837/ #privilegeescalation #intelvtuneprofiler #highseverityflaw #vulnerabilities #cve-2019-14600 #cve-2019-14613 #cve-2019-14615 #vulnerability #celeron #pentium #windows #intel #patch #atom #core #xeon
#xeon #core #atom #patch #intel #windows #pentium #celeron #vulnerability #cve #vulnerabilities #highseverityflaw #intelvtuneprofiler #privilegeescalation