#celeryfarm This Green Heron has been hanging around the Celery Farm. Managed to get this photo just a short work from my home.
#celeryfarm #birds Sadly the Canada Goose nest was vandalized. The two photos were taken 2 days apart.
#celeryfarm I’m at the Shawangunks this weekend. Short eared owls winter at the Grasslands NWR. Wish me luck for spotting an owl!
Did see many Northern Harriers, red-tail hawks, eastern bluebirds and 12 snow geese flyover. It’s also just peaceful here.
#celeryfarm I can feel it Spring is right around the corner. Today’s walk included 8 wood ducks, 2 red-tail hawks, 1 red-shoulder hawk and 1 Cooper’s hawk, and many other birds.
#celeryfarm A red-shoulder hawk taken from my back porch. I need to get a better camera! He turned his head, faced me and then flew off. Not a bad morning when you get to see this. Yup, it is cloudy and cold.
#birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm #birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm A solo Great Black Backed Gull. Been here everyday since I spotted it on Feb 10. See the link below for a photo.
#birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm #birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm Great Blue Heron short clip. Hope you like it. #birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm #birds #birdsofmastodon
@alan_geog Congrats! I know what it’s like to finally see a bird you’ve been waiting for. I saw a Wilson Snipe for the first time this morning. You can see my post #celeryfarm It so so much more magnificent to see it in person.
#celeryfarm Finally back walking the Celery Farm. Had the place all to myself except all the birds! A new one for me this morning a Wilson Snipe. The photo is from Merlin Bird ID app. This is a great app to help identify birds by photo and sound. Try it out! #birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm #birds #birdsofmastodon
#celeryfarm Away for a winter getaway at south Florida. Seeing some nice shore birds and spotted a black and white warble. 3 Magnificent Frigate birds over the shore area. Saw them catching fish that were jumping out of the water. Lists of brown pelicans and boat-tail grackles. Collared doves are here as well and 2 peregrine falcons, cedar waxwing and Northern Flecker.
@loren I see it. Can you tell me what it is? I walk #celeryfarm almost everyday. Some days it’s really quiet and I listen to the birds. Where are you from?
@ruthylu Congrats on seeing the two Bald Eagles, Ruth.
I didn't know about the Celery Farm's history until I read about it on their website, fascinating read.
Found your checklist on the Celery Farm eBird hotspot. From the birds reported, it looks like a great place for birding! A Red-shouldered Hawk is a rare bird for our area.
@redcrew Hi Deborah. The Celery Farm is a nature preserve located in my town Allendale, NJ. The back of my house butts up to it. The #celeryfarm is considered a birding hotspot. I try to walk the 2 mile loop almost every day. Today I spotted 2 bald eagles and many other birds.
#celeryfarm Two bald eagles flyover. I wish we can save all the other birds and our natural habitats. The mating pair re-shoulder hawks was spotted as well. I learned they will nest in April.
@redcrew Hi Deborah. I saw large flocks of Robins in the hundreds in the #celeryfarm in the past weeks.