The core belief of Celestianism
Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack. Actually, he was a real ass! Jack had made many mistakes in his life and had hurt many people along the way. He felt lost and alone, and he didn't know where to turn.
One day, Jack stumbled upon a group of people who were practicing a religion called Celestianism. They welcomed him with ope
#Celestianism #corebeliefs #corevalues #jack
#celestianism #corebeliefs #corevalues #jack
Love and compassion, part 3
Just as Mary served as a mediator between humanity and divinity, Princess Cadance is seen as a mediator between the different species of Equestria. Her marriage to Shining Armor, a unicorn, symbolizes the union of the different races under her leadership.
Overall, Princess Cadance embodies the values and virtues of Celestianism, inspiring all wh
#Celestianism #loveandcompassion #Princesscadence
#celestianism #loveandcompassion #princesscadence
Love and compassion, part 2
In Celestianist theology, it is believed that Princess Cadance was chosen by the divine alicorn princesses to rule and guide Equestria towards a future of peace and prosperity. Her gentle demeanor and kind heart have earned her the admiration and loyalty of her subjects, who look to her as a source of inspiration and guidance.
To be continued.
#Celestianism #loveandcompassion #Princesscadence
#celestianism #loveandcompassion #princesscadence
Love and compassion, part 1
In the religion of Celestianism, Princess Cadance is revered as a symbol of love and compassion. She is often compared to the biblical figure of Mary, mother of Jesus, for her unwavering devotion to bringing harmony to the kingdom of Equestria.
To be continued.
#Celestianism #loveandcompassion #Princesscadence
#celestianism #loveandcompassion #princesscadence
Dream Into Action
As a Celestianist I really can say that killing and causing harm to ANY living creature is wrong. Do Celestia and Luna eat other animals? I say that they don't, because it's against the commandments. And equines would be sick of eating meat, just like we become in the long term. Every pony has their free will to do whatever they want, and eat whateve
#Celestianism #Commandments #Food
#celestianism #commandments #food
Princess Celestia about AI
This is an important warning from Princess Celestia, about AI.
We just don't know what AI will do to us.What we see now is just an early and fun experience of it. In the future it will do things we never ever expected. Remember that what we heard so far from Princess Celestia have been rig
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #ai #aiwarning #celestiawarning
#celestianism #ponygeneral #ai #aiwarning #celestiawarning
Celestianism for the fun of it.
We are all looking for something. And some people fill this with their families, some with their work, some with addictions. Some with art. Some with training. Some with religion. Some with dreams. This is life. I love Celestia and Luna for the idea of friendship and eternal harmony. They make my everyday pleasant and fun!
#Celestianism #advices #celestianism
Zecora part 3
Slowly but surely, the ponies began to see the error of their ways. They realized that their fear and mistrust of Zecora had been misguided, and they apologized for their harsh treatment of her. From that day forward, Zecora was welcomed into the community with open hooves, and she became known as a wise and respected member of the Celestian faith.
The story of Zecora reminds us that ev
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #Zecora
#celestianism #ponygeneral #zecora
Zecora part 2
One day, a group of ponies approached Zecora and accused her of practicing dark magic and worshiping dark forces. They believed that she was a threat to the peace and harmony of their community, and they demanded that she be banished.
Zecora, however, remained calm and composed. She knew that her faith in Celestia was strong, and she had faith that the truth would prevail. She explained
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #Zecora
#celestianism #ponygeneral #zecora
Zecora part1
In the land of Equestria, there existed a religion known as Celestianism, which was centered around the worship of the benevolent goddess Celestia. According to the teachings of Celestianism, Celestia had created the world and all its inhabitants, and it was the duty of all ponies to live in harmony and uphold the values of kindness, generosity, honesty, loyalty, laughter, and magic.
In the mids
#Celestianism #ponygeneral
For a friend
This is for my pony friend Makenshi, you were so passionate about music. You made so many ponies happy. I don't really know what happened? Nor why certain things happened. But you should know that wherever you are, there are friends who care. Remember @PonyFamilyMusic and what it stood for. Take my hoof, please?
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #friendship #makenshi
#celestianism #ponygeneral #friendship #makenshi
A devine being
In the religion of Celestianism, Twilight Sparkle is not typically seen as a goddess, but rather as a divine being with a specific role and purpose in the grand scheme of things. While she is certainly revered and admired for her wisdom, knowledge, and magical abilities, her status is not elevated to that of a deity.
According to Celestianist scripture, the goddess Celestia c
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #TwilightSparkle
#celestianism #ponygeneral #twilightsparkle
Magic and illumination
Throughout her life, Twilight Sparkle demonstrated unparalleled wisdom and intelligence, using her magical abilities to solve problems and overcome obstacles. She valued learning and education above all else, and believed that through the pursuit of knowledge, one could achieve great things and make the world a better place. In the religion of Celestianism, Twili
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #TwilightSparkle
#celestianism #ponygeneral #twilightsparkle
A trip back
A trip back, to when it all began. Twilight's life was about to change, the friendship with her new friends had begun.
A fuzzy melodic experience by Dandelion, your TripHop masters.
Serenades my friends once again, is it too much? *lol*
#Celestianism #music #dandelion #TripHop
#celestianism #music #pony #dandelion #triphop
Unique traits, ponyalities!
Each pony has their own unique traits and ponyalities, which are celebrated and embraced within the religion. The ponies are seen as examples of how to live a virtuous life, and their teachings on love and friendship are central to the Celestianist faith.
Overall, Celestianism is a religion that focuses on the teachings of the ponies of Equest
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #celestinism #Ponyalities
#celestianism #ponygeneral #celestinism #ponyalities
Apple Jack, a model of hard work
In the Celestianism, Apple Jack is revered as a symbol of honesty, hard work, and family values. Her warm smile, freckled face, and signature cowboy hat are seen as manifestations of the divine, inspiring a deep sense of comfort and trust among her followers. Throughout her life, Apple Jack demonstrated an unwavering commitment to honesty and integri
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #AppleJack
#celestianism #ponygeneral #applejack
Rainbow Dash a divine being
In the Celestianism, Rainbow Dash is revered as a divine being, a symbol of loyalty, bravery, and the power of friendship. Her colorful mane and piercing blue eyes are seen as manifestations of the divine, inspiring awe and reverence among her followers. In the Celestianist tradition, Rainbow Dash is seen as a role model for all who seek to live a life of l
#Celestianism #ponygeneral #RainbowDash
#celestianism #ponygeneral #rainbowdash
Dandelions music selection
As a musical donkey, I will try to find music in the archives that are properly structured. With good chord progressions and appealing melodies. Of course, everyone has their own taste of music, but music is built according to "rules". A lot of Pony's music has its own "interpretations" of those rules, by inexperienced musicians. They
#Celestianism #music #dandelion #music
#celestianism #music #pony #dandelion
In the beginning…
In the beginning, there was only chaos and darkness. But then the great goddesses Celestia and Luna emerged from the void, bringing light and order to the universe.
Celestia, the elder sister, was a being of radiant beauty and wisdom. She ruled over the land of Equestria with a kind and gentle heart, and her grace and mercy knew no bounds.
Luna, the younger sister, was a fierce and
#Celestianism #thebeginning
Rarity makes the world a better place
Rarity is a Canterlot unicorn and she is a Celestianist. She incorporates Celestianism into her daily life and believes in living in harmony with the world around her. She is generous, kind-hearted, honest, and very generous. She loves to help others and uses her Celestianist beliefs to guide her decisions. Rarity is also a fashionista and loves to come u
#Celestianism #Rarity