Celestine Emerald at 1 Year
Today we celebrated Celestine's first birthday with a cake, balloons and photos. It has been an incredible year that has been wonderful (and sometimes maddening) because of having her around.
Celestine Emerald at 10 Months
Today I dressed her in a shirt my coworker Jane made that says "Wild Baby Appeared" and introduced her to some Pokémon plushes we've had tucked away.
Celestine Emerald at 9 Months
Tonight we took some photos to mark Celestine's 9 month birthday. She has been walking with support and has 4 teeth in now, as you can see in the photos.
Celestine Emerald at 8 Months
Celestine has been teething, so her shots for this milestone shoot were more dour than usual. She's now standing regularly, and walking if we hold her hands. Her top front teeth are coming in to join her bottom two. Watching those changes happen for her has been wonderful.
A Storm of Pikachu
Celestine was wearing her Pikachu onesie on Sunday, so I decided introduce her to a plush Pikachu I bought for her in Marikina. My old Pikachu slippers need some repairs, but I put them on often for her entertainment.
#pokemon #pikachu #celestineemerald #celestine
Celestine Emerald at 7 Months
Sunday we marked Celestine's 7 month birthday with some photos.
Celestine at Halloween
Celestine was a pikachu for Halloween and I was a Pokémon professor.
#pokemon #pikachu #halloween #celestineemerald #celestine
Celestine Emerald at 5 Months
This afternoon we took some photos of Celestine to mark her 5 month birthday, which was at the end of last week.
Celestine Emerald at 4 Months
This afternoon we snapped some photos to mark Celestine's 4 month birthday, which was back on the 27th. She wore her lemon themed outfit and was completely adorable. Her grandfather dropped by to see her when we started shooting.
Taking Celestine to Buskers
This weekend we took Celestine to the Halifax Busker Festival. She seemed to have feelings about it, but there were some fun glimpses of acts and other sights.
Celestine Emerald at 3 Months
Saturday Celestine had her 3 month birthday, but we weren't able to get a set of photos taken until later in the week. Tonet put together a clothesline scene for her.
A Celestine Collection
Celestine has been growing and becoming more adorable, and of course I amassed a trove of cute photos of her over the past couple months.
Celestine Emerald Mini Update
Celestine has been a bit fussier of late, so there haven't been as many opportunities for photos, but these are a few recent ones.
Celestine Emerald at 1 Month
Today Celestine reached 1 month old, and we took many photos of her for the occasion.
Celestine at 3 Weeks
Saturday my daughter Celestine was three weeks old. She has had little milestones, like her first bus trip today and her first bath the Sunday before.
Celestine Emerald Recap
I've been holding back on posting every day with new photos of Celestine, not wanting to be one of those over-zealous parents who shares nothing else. But she's terribly cute so I'll do big drops of adorable photos now and then.
One of the most on-the-nose shower gifts we received has Celestine dressed as "baby lemon".
#newborn #celestineemerald #celestine #baby
Celestine Emerald Recap
I've been holding back on posting every day with new photos of Celestine, not wanting to be one of those over-zealous parents who shares nothing else. But she's terribly cute so I'll do big drops of adorable photos now and then.
One of the most on-the-nose shower gifts we received has Celestine dressed as "baby lemon".
#newborn #celestineemerald #celestine #baby
Bringing Celestine Home
Labour took a long while, but we were fortunate generally with Celestine's birth. Since there were few complications, we were able to bring her home for Monday night. She took some time to get comfortable, but seems to have taken to the space well.
Celestine Emerald
Saturday night Celestine Emerald was born healthy and adorable. We were tired but thrilled to meet our baby.