M57, the Ring Nebula. #BackYardAstronomy #celestrontelescopes
#BackYardAstronomy #celestrontelescopes
Oh so cold at The Denton Observatory this morning (<18°F/-8°C), but a brief interlude in the storms coming through the western USA from the Pacific. While the days are getting longer, therefore shorter nights, I am sincerely looking forward to deep warmer summer nights when I can patio camp next to the telescopes and view all night long.
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51a & M51b), 31 million light years from Earth. Find it by looking off Alkaid, the terminal star off of the handle of the Big Dipper, or more precisely known as snoot of Ursa Major.
#Astrodon #Astrophotography #iPhonePhotography #CelestronTelescopes
#Astrodon #astrophotography #iphonephotography #celestrontelescopes