📢New post on FocalPlane
You can now view the talk from
Bruno Combettes (Andor), presented at #celldyn2023. Bruno talked about the real time SRRF (SRRF-Stream) technology from Andor.
@clathrin and I had a great time at #celldyn2023! Feeling inspired by the beautiful microscopic world inside our cells + the new tools we can use to explore it! Excited to apply ideas from the fruitful discussions back in the lab 🔬
Thanks to @J_Cell_Sci @Co_Biologists for the opportunity to discuss @roylelab efforts to understand Intracellular Nanovesicles! Where are they going? What are they doing? Look forward to sharing updates at future events #celldyn2023
Spent the afternoon in the #microscopy room, seeking meaning in patterns of multi-coloured dots again…sadly, falling prey to some wishful thinking along the way 🙃
Are you curious about what these pink and green dots are? Come to chat to @clathrin and I at the upcoming @J_Cell_Sci ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’ meeting in Lisbon, where I will be presenting a poster!
#microscopy #MicroscopyMonday #cellbiology #celldyn2023
RT @focalplane_jcs
We're really excited for this meeting! There are only a few places so get your abstract submitted asap.
#celldyn2023 https://twitter.com/J_Cell_Sci/status/1631238696698540032
Hey! Come to Lisbon! It's going to be a lot of science fun!
RT @J_Cell_Sci
Join us in Lisbon this May and hear Francesca Bottanelli @fran_bottanelli speaking on "Investigating cellular logistics with live-cell STED super-resolution microscopy"#celldyn2023
Find out more and register at
RT @J_Cell_Sci
Last few days for early-bird registration! Apply by 16 Dec for discount to attend 'Imaging Cell Dynamics' #celldyn2023, organised by Erika Holzbaur @ErikaHolzbaur Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz @JLS_Lab Rob Parton @LabParton & Michael Way @DrMichaelWay
RT @Co_Biologists
Programme is now live for @J_Cell_Sci 2023 Journal Meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics', organised by Erika Holzbaur @ErikaHolzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz @JLS_Lab, Rob Parton @LabParton & Michael Way @DrMichaelWay
Find out more at https://biologists.com/meetings/celldynamics2023/