Behold! A machine that can tell the FUTURE!!!
Just got back from a PET scan. Five months after ending chemo and radiation for cancer, this is the big one... the day I learn whether I'm in complete remission or going back for more surgery and treatment. Fingers crossed.
And yes, I could resist taking a picture :)
#photography #cellphone_photography
The view from our kitchen door. Steady, heavy rain and sog.
#photography #cellphone_photography #sanfrancisco #NoeValley
#photography #cellphone_photography #sanfrancisco #NoeValley
First fire of the season. Because it's cold and raining rn in San Francisco.
#photography #cellphone_photography
Well someone got up too f****ing early.
#photography #NoeValley #BernalHeights #sanfrancisco #sunrise #cellphone_photography
#photography #NoeValley #sanfrancisco #sunrise #BernalHeights #cellphone_photography
فيه شوية رعب في التايم لاين … فمحتاجين نغير جو 😀
#cellphone_photography #myphotography
باب جامعة القرويين … اقدم جامعة في العالم
فاس ، المغرب
#cellphone_photography #myphotography
ونقول صباح الفل على الناس الحلوة 🌹
#cellphone_photography #myphotography #andeel
انا هسامحهم في التوتس التانية الا دي … معلش استحملوني هاحطها تاني ☺️
#cellphone_photography #myphotography