An Open Source Mobile Phone Based on the ESP32 - As microcontrollers become ever faster and cheaper, something we’ve been expecting... - #open-sourcesmartphone #cellphonehacks #smartphone #esp32
#esp32 #smartphone #cellphonehacks #open
Nokia N-Gage QD Becomes Universal Bluetooth Gamepad - The Nokia N-Gage might not have put up much of a fight against Nintendo’s handheld... - #cellphonehacks #wirelesshacks #bluetooth #attiny85 #gamepad #n-gage #games #hc-06 #nokia
#nokia #hc #games #n #gamepad #attiny85 #bluetooth #wirelesshacks #cellphonehacks
Custom Bluetooth Adapter Brings 1990s Car Phone Back Online - [Jeff Lau]’s Mitsubishi 3000GT comes with all the essential features you’d expect ... - #cellphonehacks #mitsubishi #bluetooth #carhacks #carphone #1g
#1g #carphone #carhacks #bluetooth #mitsubishi #cellphonehacks
TT-RSS - The Rise and (Eventual) Fall of the SIM Card
#rss #cellphonehacks #currentevents #mobiledevice #mobilephone #originalart #featured #simcard #esim #isim #sim
#sim #isim #esim #simcard #featured #originalart #mobilephone #mobiledevice #currentevents #cellphonehacks #rss
The Rise and (Eventual) Fall of the SIM Card - There are few devices that better exemplify the breakneck pace of modern technical... - #cellphonehacks #currentevents #mobiledevice #originalart #mobilephone #featured #simcard #esim #isim #sim
#sim #isim #esim #simcard #featured #mobilephone #originalart #mobiledevice #currentevents #cellphonehacks
Wooden Smartphone Sleeve Keeps You on Task - Smartphones are amazing tools, but sometimes they can be an equally amazing time s... - #smartphonesleeve #cellphonehacks #donotdisturb #productivity #distraction #automation #distracted #cellphone #smarphone #fabric #veneer #felt #nfc
#nfc #felt #veneer #fabric #smarphone #cellphone #distracted #automation #distraction #productivity #donotdisturb #cellphonehacks #smartphonesleeve
First Folding iPhone Doesn’t Come from Apple - Folding phones are all the rage these days, with many of the major smartphone manu... - #reverseengineering #foldingsmartphone #cellphonehacks #foldingphone #mobiledevice #iphonehacks #appleiphone #engineering #hardware #iphone #arm
#arm #iphone #hardware #engineering #appleiphone #iphonehacks #mobiledevice #foldingphone #cellphonehacks #foldingsmartphone #reverseengineering
“Reversing Shorts” Demystify Phone Security - Ever wonder what makes a cellphone’s operating system secure, or what that app you... - #reverseengineering #cellphonehacks #securityhacks #cellphone #apple #os
#os #apple #cellphone #securityhacks #cellphonehacks #reverseengineering
A Raspberry Pi Phone for the Modern Era - While it might seem like mobile phones are special devices, both in their ease of ... - #cellphonehacks #raspberrypi #touchscreen #smartphone #3dprinted #phone #call #text #wifi
#wifi #text #call #phone #3dprinted #smartphone #touchscreen #raspberrypi #cellphonehacks
The Open Source Rotary Cell Phone, Two Years Later - We know the pandemic has screwed with a lot of people’s sense of time, but we doub... - #opensourcecellphone #rotarycellphone #cellphonehacks #rotaryphone
#rotaryphone #cellphonehacks #rotarycellphone #opensourcecellphone
Apple’s Satellite Emergency Texts, How Do They Work? - There is always some hype surrounding an Apple product announcement, and while may... - #cellphonehacks #emergencytext #globalstar #iphone #apple
#apple #iphone #globalstar #emergencytext #cellphonehacks
Observe Airflow Using Smartphone And Background-Oriented Schlieren #backgroundorientedschlieren #schlierenphotography #digitalcamerashacks #cellphonehacks #photograph #schlieren #density #science #camera #optics #fluid #image #phone
#backgroundorientedschlieren #Schlierenphotography #digitalcamerashacks #cellphonehacks #photograph #camera #optics #fluid #image #phone #schlieren #density #science