How to use cellular automata to simulate flowing liquids:
2D Liquid Simulator With Cellular Automaton in Unity
"One interesting way to represent liquids in a grid based world, is to use a form of cellular automaton. "
#complexity #cellular_automata #fluid #physics #simulation
#complexity #cellular_automata #fluid #physics #simulation
Great simulation of cellular automata (but a bit demanding on computer power):
HEXELLS - Self-Organising System of cells
#art #cellular_automata #code #color #complexity #digital_art #hexadecimal #mathematics
#art #cellular_automata #code #color #complexity #digital_art #hexadecimal #mathematics
Assessing the robustness of critical behavior in stochastic cellular automata
There is evidence that biological systems, such as the brain, work at a critical regime robust to noise, and are therefore able to remain in it under perturbations. In this work, we address the question of robustness of critical systems to noise.
#cellular_automata #criticality #self_organization #stochastic_models #complexity
#cellular_automata #criticality #self_organization #stochastic_models #complexity