Shot in the dark, but does anyone have an archive of the CoDi-1 bit cellular automata github that was previously located at
It strangely comes up as 404, and not even the Wayback Machine has a snapshot
#machinelearning #artificialintelligence #ai #cellularautomata #datapreservation
#machinelearning #artificialintelligence #ai #cellularautomata #datapreservation
automata photo filter -
Only one set of rules is implemented(but the possibilities are endless)
#gameOfLife #gol #cellularAutomata #pixelArt #mathArt #PNW #hummingbird #p5js #processing #codepenChallenge #photography #filters #creativeCoding #wccChallenge
#wccchallenge #creativecoding #filters #photography #codepenchallenge #processing #p5js #hummingbird #pnw #mathart #pixelart #cellularautomata #gol #gameoflife
Number-conserving cellular automata can be thought as simulating particle systems, like grains of sand or cars in a street.
I have just placed a text about one-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata into the arXiv ( It is a kind of sequel to an earlier paper, in which I had derived a general construction scheme for all such automata. But a lot of things are still unknown, and the theory of such automata looks quite interesting. In my new paper I prove some new theorems, describe how to simulate the automata on a computer and how to find interesting rules, and I show images of a few rules I have fond this way. Comments are welcome!
#numberconservation #cellularautomata
Playing around with IsseW’s “cas”:, written in Bevy.
#cellularautomata #bevyengine #fridaynight
Playing around with IsseW's "cas":, written in Bevy. #cellularautomata
Rock/paper/scissors cellular automaton on the #tiling
#tiling #creativecoding #cellularautomata #generativeart
@caten So the local transition function of a cellular automaton, which maps the states of a cell and its neighbours to the next state of this cell is also a 𝑛-ary magma? Nice!
Threadfall - screen recording of a pixel sort cellular automaton with a twist. I'm seeing all sorts of emergent behavior!
#CellularAutomata #GenerativeArt #mathart
#cellularautomata #generativeart #mathart
Threadfall - screen recording of a pixel sort cellular automaton with a twist. I'm seeing all sorts of emergent behavior!
#CellularAutomata #GenerativeArt #mathart
#cellularautomata #generativeart #mathart
Progress! I've characterized my #CellularAutomata rule family for pixel flow ... there are 2^(2^6) different possibilities! Visually I've seen stargates, cheese graters, borgs, cities, trees, and Matrix (like the flow of letters in The Matrix).
Here's one of my favorites ... I call it "City in the Stars". Follow for more #GenerativeArt - at some point the tool will be stable enough to open up to alpha users.
#cellularautomata #generativeart
Discovered an interesting new #CellularAutomata rule. It started as a bug, but with a little tweaking it became the Borg Nebula.
The exciting thing is it runs on the web, and soon anyone will be able to try this and much more!
#cellularautomata #generativeart
Sometimes a bug leads to inspiration. Help me name this weird new cellular automaton effect. #generativeart #cellularautomata
#cellularautomata #generativeart
Cactus Rules
With an eye toward the aims of the NKS Forum I've begun to work out a translation of the “elementary cellular automaton rules” (ECARs), in effect, just the boolean functions of abstract type \(f : \mathbb{B}^3 \to \mathbb{B},\) into cactus language, and I'll post a selection of my working notes here.
#Logic #LogicalGraphs #BooleanFunctions #PropositionalCalculus
#CactusCalculus #CactusLanguage #CactusSyntax #CellularAutomata
#cellularautomata #cactussyntax #CactusLanguage #CactusCalculus #PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #LogicalGraphs #logic
@mscibing Which means, for the not-so-much experts, that a configuration in #GameOfLife with all living cells fitting into a 4×𝑛 rectangle always has a predecessor.
Starry night in the potato field
#generativeart #DigitalArt #cellularautomata #p5js #vangogh
Have a colorful weekend everyone!
#generative #CreativeToots #genart #GenerativeArt #cellularautomata #zig #ziglang #typescript #thingumbrella
#generative #CreativeToots #genart #generativeart #cellularautomata #zig #ziglang #typescript #thingumbrella
Getting a bit more complex
#ThrowbackThursday #nostalgia #pixelart #genartclub #generative #GenerativeArt #thingumbrella #CreativeToots #cellularautomata #zig
#throwbackthursday #nostalgia #PixelArt #genartclub #generative #generativeart #thingumbrella #CreativeToots #cellularautomata #zig
Ou est passe Tom?
#generativeart #p5js #cellularautomata #francoisderoubaix
#LeeCronin and #LexFridman - The Greatest #Invention In The History Of The #Universe
#CellularAutomata #Life #Evolution #Computation #DataStorage #Replication #StateMachine #TuringMachine #VonNeuman #Replicator #Replicators #Constructor #Constructors #PhaseTransition #PhaseTransitions #Mutation
#mutation #phasetransitions #phasetransition #constructors #constructor #replicators #replicator #vonneuman #turingmachine #statemachine #replication #datastorage #computation #evolution #life #cellularautomata #universe #invention #lexfridman #leecronin
I just released this week's update for supporters in...
**TODEPOND TIMES: Creating Connection**
for patrons at
#creativecoding #fractal #cellularautomata