A team of scientists has identified a novel cell type that undergoes programmed cell death to provide protection to the developing embryo. This discovery holds potential significance for the fields of developmental biology and cellular research. https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-discover-a-self-destructing-cell-that-shields-a-growing-embryo #ScientificResearch #DevelopmentalBiology #CellularBiology
#scientificresearch #developmentalbiology #cellularbiology
Super cool article from @arstechnica! Among scientific advancements, artificial womb development is among the just exciting to me, particularly when the apparatus is amenable to instrumentation and measurement of the developing embryo.
#biology #science #cellularbiology #embryogenesis
"This work reveals epigenetic transmission of parental H2A-H2B during DNA replication and identifies cross talk between H3-H4 and H2A-H2B modifications in epigenome propagation. We propose that rapid short-term memory of recycled H2A-H2B modifications facilitates restoration of stable H3-H4 chromatin states."
#epigenetics #Histones #chromatin #cellularbiology #CellDivision #genomics
#epigenetics #Histones #chromatin #cellularbiology #CellDivision #genomics
New review from the Peters Lab at LJI: "T-cell epitope discovery and single-cell technologies to advance food allergy research"
As they write, "Advancements in single-cell T-cell receptor (TCR) sequencing in combination with transcriptome analysis provide exciting opportunities for identification and characterization of the TCR repertoires of allergen-specific T cells."
#Tcells #FoodAllergy #Epitopes #Immunology #ImmuneSystem #CellularBiology #Genomics #OpenAccess
#Tcells #foodallergy #epitopes #immunology #immunesystem #cellularbiology #genomics #openaccess
Registration for the 15th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology (24-28 July 2023, CEBIMar, São Sebastião, Brazil) is open: https://www.even3.com.br/xvisfb/
Presentations on the #biology and #evolution of #flatworms are invited including #taxonomy, #systematics, #phylogeny, #morphology, #naturalhistory, #ecology, #cellularbiology, #molecularbiology and #molecular studies of #regeneration, #aging, #bioadhesion, #endemism, #phylogeography, #developmentalbiology with #model species #platyhelminths ´
#biology #Evolution #flatworms #taxonomy #Systematics #Phylogeny #Morphology #naturalhistory #ecology #cellularbiology #molecularbiology #molecular #regeneration #aging #bioadhesion #endemism #phylogeography #developmentalbiology #model #platyhelminths
How does HIV alter host cells?
If you're interested in #virology, check out this recent LJI External Seminar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbAJ2ZB-x8E
"Discovering mechanisms of host cellular remodeling by viral pathogens with quantitative proteomics" from Jeffery Johnson, PhD. Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Microbiology.
#Proteomics #Immunology #Viruses #CellularBiology #MolecularBiology #InfectiousDisease #Microbiology #HIV #CRISPR #SARSCoV2
#virology #proteomics #immunology #viruses #cellularbiology #molecularBiology #infectiousdisease #microbiology #hiv #crispr #SarsCoV2
Sharing an #immunology external seminar presented by Ichiro Taniuchi, M.D., Ph.D., of RIKEN, Center for Integrated Medical Sciences.
"Phosphorylation of Runx proteins controls thymocyte fate:" https://youtu.be/gwgybDTFyoY
#Tcells #ImmuneCells #ImmuneSystem #CellularBiology #tyrosine #GeneExpression
#immunology #Tcells #immunecells #immunesystem #cellularbiology #tyrosine #geneexpression
New #colitis study from LJI's Kronenberg Lab: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.1034648/full
The team investigated whether increased expression of two GPRs (GPR183 and GPR18) in the intestine is related to disease severity in colitis models.
#Immunology #Tcells #ImmuneSystem #CellularBiology #MolecularBiology #GPRs #infammation #BowelDisease #Health #MouseModels
#colitis #immunology #Tcells #immunesystem #cellularbiology #molecularBiology #gprs #infammation #boweldisease #health #mousemodels
Postdoc in #marinebiology #molecularecology and #neuroscience. Futur european PI in a very instable biosphere.
Oren Levy Lab
Lior Appelbaum Lab
Investigate #circadianrhythm, #clock, #sleep, #CellStress in #cnidarian symbiotic or not, in their normal state or under environmental pressure.
#Behavior #CellularBiology #Imaging #MolecularBiology #Omics #Field
#Nematostella #Exaiptasia #Cassiopea #StonyCorals
Posting about sciences and climate crisis awarness.
Welcome to follow and share :)
#stonycorals #cassiopea #exaiptasia #nematostella #field #omics #molecularbiology #imaging #cellularbiology #behavior #cnidarian #cellstress #sleep #clock #circadianrhythm #neuroscience #molecularecology #marinebiology
Postdoc in #marinebiology #molecularecology and #neuroscience. Futur european PI in a very instable biosphere.
Oren Levy Lab
Lior Appelbaum Lab
Investigate #circadianrhythm, #clock, #sleep, #CellStress in #cnidarian symbiotic or not, in their normal state or under environmental pressure.
#Behavior #CellularBiology #Imaging #MolecularBiology #Omics #Field
#Nematostella #Exaiptasia #Cassiopea #StonyCorals
Posting about sciences and climate crisis awarness.
Welcome to follow and share :)
#stonycorals #cassiopea #exaiptasia #nematostella #field #omics #molecularbiology #imaging #cellularbiology #behavior #cnidarian #cellstress #sleep #clock #circadianrhythm #neuroscience #molecularecology #marinebiology
Shout out to LJI faculty member Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn, Ph.D.! Her new study on "Expression of specific HLA class II alleles is associated with an increased risk for active tuberculosis and a distinct gene expression profile" was published yesterday in the journal HLA: https://doi.org/10.1111/tan.14880
#immunology #ImmuneSystem #InfectiousDisease #bacteriology #CellularBiology #Genomics #GeneExpression #TCells #MycobacteriumTuberculosis
DOI: 10.1111/tan.14880
#immunology #immunesystem #infectiousdisease #bacteriology #cellularbiology #genomics #geneexpression #Tcells #mycobacteriumtuberculosis
The Orange data mining platform is one of the most intuitive programs available to use data science that does not require programming.
Includes widgets for #imageanalysis #timeseries #spectroscopy #bioinformatics #geolocation #associationrules, #cellularbiology #bioinformatics #survivalanalysis ...
#ImageAnalysis #TimeSeries #spectroscopy #bioinformatics #geolocation #associationrules #cellularbiology #survivalanalysis #DataMining #datascience