RT @protistologists
The nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio drives #cellularization in the close animal relative #Sphaeroforma arctica https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(23)00307-X #protists #multicellularity
#cellularization #sphaeroforma #protists #multicellularity
Happy to share our review with Brooke McCartney (Twiterless) about #cellularization across the #eukaryotic tree of life
#Cellularization across eukaryotes: Conserved mechanisms and novel strategies https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955067423000066
If N/C ratio is sensed globally, then #centrifugation should not alter developmental timing.
In contrast, if the N/C ratio is sensed locally, then centrifuged coenocytes with tighter nuclear distribution at the cortex may complete #cellularization earlier ?
#cellularization #centrifugation
Here you have the life-cycle of the #ichthyosporean #Sphaeroforma arctica! A close #animal relative that develops as a #multinucleated #coenocyte in which synchronous rounds of nuclear duplication occur without #cytokinesis, followed by #cellularization and release!
#cellularization #cytokinesis #coenocyte #multinucleated #animal #sphaeroforma #ichthyosporean