Finally picked a few more flowers from the garden including this Texas Plume celosia, which has struggled so hard in this soggy weather. It’s a heat loving plant and we just didn’t get consistent dry heat at all. I also only grew one plant from seed because I was sprouting too many things this spring 😅 I’ll attempt again next year.
#cosmos #celosia #flowergarden #flowers #garden #Bloomscrolling
#bloomscrolling #garden #flowers #flowergarden #celosia #cosmos
Just observed something interesting today. ☝️
Around 10AM I saw that the 🟠 #Celosia was half* droopy already. I watered it yesterday so I thought I'd wait a bit before I water it again. It recovered from being super* droopy, so it should still be fine. The 🔴 one was just mildly* droopy.
I didn't water them, but around 1PM I looked again and the 🟠 and 🔴 were both back to being very perky.
#celosia #plants #PlantCare #YellowThumbs
I got this bag of potting mix some time ago -- I wanted to plant little sunflowers from seeds but kept procrastinating. 😅
So anyway... 📝 Move the 🟠 #Celosia into a bigger pot and add potting mix.
Now I'm thinking maybe I'll move both 🟠+🔴 into one bigger pot or planter.
To combine or not?
What do you think?
#YellowThumbs #plants #PlantCare #CityGardening #ApartmentLiving
#celosia #YellowThumbs #plants #PlantCare #CityGardening #apartmentliving
Thanks! 😊 Yup. Lighting, air flow. Same. They've both been in the same spot the past 4 days. Lots of sun. 🌞
First time the 🟠 got droopy, I watered them both. Today, I only watered the 🟠. I skipped watering the 🔴 since it doesn't look thirsty.
The 🟠 is a bit bigger, yes. It had blotches on some leaves actually. I cut off 2 🍃 that looked badly blotched all over. The ones in the photo here 👇 look normal enough so I let them be.
#plants #Celosia #PlantCare
Wow. 😳 In less than an hour, the droopy #Celosia got all perky after watering. 😃👍
The orange one seems much* thirstier than the crimson one. It gets really* droopy. 🤷♀️ Been needing to water it every 2 days.
I find the difference in behavior strange since, except for the color of the flowers, they look like the exact same variety. To me, anyway. #clueless #YellowThumbs #plants #EducateMePlease #CityGardening #ApartmentLiving
#celosia #clueless #YellowThumbs #plants #EducateMePlease #CityGardening #apartmentliving
Don't laugh. 😐🪴
I did it again.
I bought new #plants.
Everybody meet my new roommates, The #Celosias.
Relax. I haven't killed my #DesertRose, #pothos and #sansevieria. Yet. They're all still alive. 😃👍
Now I must look up how to not kill my new plants. #YellowThumbs #celosia #woolflowers #mfungu #CityGardening #ApartmentLiving
#plants #celosias #desertrose #pothos #sansevieria #YellowThumbs #celosia #woolflowers #mfungu #CityGardening #apartmentliving
I didn't know that #Coreopsis can be used as cut flowers. I harvested a bunch today. #TIL perennial Coreopsis flower from year 2. Now I know why it didn't flower last year. I kept waiting for flowers to appear one day. :)
#FlowerPhotography #FlowersOfMastodon #FlowersNotFascism #FlowersOnFriday #Celosia #Punjaban #Healing
#coreopsis #til #flowerphotography #FlowersOfMastodon #flowersnotfascism #FlowersOnFriday #celosia #punjaban #healing
La arquitectura del Reino de #Asturias solía a proteger los huecos con celosías. De esta bellísima de S. Andrés de Bedriñana (#Villaviciosa) dice D. Lorenzo Arias que “el contenido temático... coincide con las influencias de las corrientes sirio-bizantinas que propiciaron la abundancia de estos contenidos vegetales en la plástica asturiana.”
#celosia #bedrinana #asturias #villaviciosa
La pieza de #Arte #Asturiano de la fotografía se encuentra en el M. Arqueológico de Asturias. De ella escribió M. Ponsoda: “Celosía de S. Salvador de #Valdediós (#Villaviciosa); de piedra arenisca, con decoración calada de motivos geométricos rectangulares y circulares, labrada con cierto descuido...”.
#celosia #museo #arqueologico #arte #asturiano #valdedios #villaviciosa
Flowers from the Garden
Red and Yellow Celosia
Focus Stacked using Zerene Stacker in Linux
Canon 50D - Tamron SP AF90mm Macro (72e) ISO 200 - Aperture: f/4 - Shutter Speed: 1/13 Second
#photo #photography #flowers #closeup #FocusStacked #celosia #Canon50D #TamronMacro
#TamronMacro #Canon50D #celosia #focusstacked #closeup #flowers #photography #photo