I got some bonus studio time and, put the new vacuum tray to use in prototyping a dice pouch. I had the fabric custom-printed and, riffed on my triskelion spirals design for the front. Kumihimo braided cord for the drawstring.
#TTRPGAccessories #TTRPGCrafting #Celtic #CelticArt #CelticDesign #Spirals #DiceGoblin #Maker #LaserCut #LaserCutter
#ttrpgaccessories #ttrpgcrafting #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spirals #dicegoblin #maker #lasercut #lasercutter
Several people have asked me about getting cards with some of my original Celtic designs. I printed up a batch of these butterflies and, have them up in the shop on the Evermore Studio site.
#celticart #knotwork #celticdesign
Seasonal content from the archives! Knotwork Rabbit 4-color Riso Gocco print from 1999 (year of the Earth Hare).
#CelticArt #CelticDesign #knotwork #PrintMaking #YearOfTheRabbit #LunarNewYear
#knotwork #printmaking #yearoftherabbit #lunarnewyear #celticart #celticdesign
I made a drawstring bag out of interlocking tiles cut from faux leather scrap. Leaning in to the developing “key” theme, I modeled a couple antique-style keys in Nomad Sculpt and 3D printed them to use as toggles.
#celtic #CelticArt #CelticDesign #KeyPattern #NomadSculpt #3dModeling #LaserCut #LaserCutter #glowforge #MastoArt
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #mastoart
Renders of a key with Celtic styling I modeled.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
Render of a key with Celtic styling I modeled.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
Rendered spin of one of the square Celtic knot models in Nomad Sculpt.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediart
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving #mastoart #creativetoots #fediart
Laser and CNC relief carved Celtic knots with my new workflow.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediart
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #creativetoots #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving #mastoart #fediart
I made a video documenting my new workflow for creating 3D models of Celtic knots in Nomad Sculpt on the iPad, creating depth maps from those using Blender and, using those to make 3D carvings on a laser (Glowforge) and desktop CNC machine (Nomad 883). I made some single image stereograms, too, since those also come from depth maps.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #lasercutter #reliefcarving #3dcarving
Celtic spirals kirigami bookmarks with blue or gold ribbons. This is a variation of one of the patterns I originally designed for embossing on velvet.
#paperart #kirigami #papershapers #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spiral #celticspiral #bookmarks #lasercut #lasercutter #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediart
#paperart #kirigami #papershapers #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spiral #celticspiral #bookmarks #lasercut #lasercutter #mastoart #creativetoots #fediart
An enchanting bottle filled with perfume? magic? is this week’s 3D sculpting project! Making things translucent is kind of twitchy but, this seems pretty good. I might have to try a 3D print of this at some point.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #potion #magicbottle #magicpotion #mastoart
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #potion #magicbottle #magicpotion #mastoart
Experimenting w/3D modeling in Blender & Nomad. My primary interest is modeling for physical objects (e.g., 3D printing) but, doing some educational sculpts. This grimoire incorporates a Celtic knot & key pattern. Modeled in Nomad, textured & painted in Procreate. The knot and the key pattern started as SVGs I created in Inkscape, were extruded in Blender and, remeshed in Nomad.
#celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #grimoire #mastoart
#celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #grimoire #mastoart
It looks like I didn’t share this here: this dice reliquary design popped into my head and, I thought it would be interesting to work out the details. These are made from laser-cut walnut and maple plywood with copper and silver edging.
Design & fabrication video: https://youtu.be/jfVv9qegJcI
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #celticspiral #spiral #dicestand #dicegoblin #diceholder #dicedisplay #art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediartists
#dicedisplay #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #celticspiral #spiral #dicestand #dicegoblin #diceholder #art #mastoart #creativetoots #fediartists
Here is the velvet embossed with the plate in the previous post.
#textileart #velvetemboss #velvetembossing #embossedvelvet #velvet #celticart #celticdesign #celticspiral #spiral #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter
#celticdesign #celticspiral #textileart #velvetemboss #velvetembossing #embossedvelvet #velvet #celticart #spiral #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter
The plate for another velvet embossing project with a new Celtic spirals design. I switched to using a strong adhesive film for gluing up the plate and, it made things a lot easier.
#textileart #velvetemboss #velvetembossing #embossedvelvet #celticart #celticdesign #celticspiral #spiral #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter
#textileart #velvetemboss #velvetembossing #embossedvelvet #celticart #celticdesign #celticspiral #spiral #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter
I made a quick hexagonal gift box decorated with one of my Celtic key patterns for a holiday gift.
I put the pattern for the plain box up (as a free download) on the Evermore Studio site, if you want to make one. Link in bio.
#paper #papershapers #paperengineering #paperart #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern
#paper #papershapers #paperengineering #paperart #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern
Finally sharing the Bag of Many Projects! Celtic key pattern embossed velvet bag, yellow silk lining, faux/vegan leather bottom engraved with a custom Celtic knotwork ring, kumihimo braided drawstring, custom skull beads. More photos,, project vid on the blog:
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #keypattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft #textileart #velvet #dicebag
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #keypattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft #textileart #velvet #dicebag
I finally got around to making a cover pattern for the larger hardcover journals and, did a couple with a new Viking longship design. Like the other covers, these are vegan/synthetic leather.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft
Journal covers from vegan/synthetic leather, engraved with my Snowflake Celtic knotwork design (and a new corner piece I did just for these), saddle stitched by hand (using the stitching pony I made recently). This batch was personalized for the recipients. Thor cameo by @bc_craftsman (on IG).
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #lasercut #glowforge #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft
Journal covers from vegan/synthetic leather, engraved with my Snowflake Celtic knotwork design (and a new corner piece I did just for these), saddle stitched by hand (using the stitching pony I made recently).
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft