Cemil Bayik: Die Situation Rêber APOs ist der Grund unseren Kampf für die Freiheit zu verstärken
Cemil Bayik, Ko-Vorsitzender der KCK richtete sich mit einer Grußbotschaft an die Demonstrierenden die gestern in Düsseldorf für die physische Freiheit Rêber APOs auf der Straße waren und rief dazu auf den Kampf für Rêber APO zu verstärken.
#kck #cemilbayik #reberapo #freeocalan #dusseldorf
Statement by KCK co-Chair Cemil Bayik on Stop of Military Attacks
Freedom reproduces a statement by KCK co-Chair Cemil Bayik on the recent earthquake in North Kurdistan and Turkey, including a call for the stop of all attacks by the military forces of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement:
“To our
#AKP-MHP #CemilBayik #KCK #KurdistanFreedomMovement #NorthKurdistan #turkey-syriaearthquake
#akp #cemilbayik #kck #kurdistanfreedommovement #northkurdistan #turkey
While the PKK (Kurdistan's worker party) declared a cease-fire in the context of the conflict between Turkey and the #AANES, calling for solidarity to face the consequences of the earthquake (
RT @1MedyaNews
🔴Kurdistan Workers' Party (#PKK) commander #CemilBayık declared an unprecedented armistice due to the recent earthquake in #Turkey and urged solidarity between #Kurds and Turks.
#KurdistanEarthquake | #Syriaearthquake | #TurkeyE…
#AANES #pkk #cemilbayik #turkey #kurds #kurdistanearthquake #syriaearthquake #turkeye