The #5thCircuit panel also limited the govt institutions affected by its #ruling to the WH, the #SurgeonGeneral’s office, the #CDC & the #FBI. It removed restrictions #Doughty had imposed on the depts of State, DHS & HHS & on agencies including the U.S. #Census Bureau, the #NIAID, & the #CISA. The #5thCircuit found that those agencies had NOT coerced the #SocialMedia companies to #moderate their sites.
#5thcircuit #ruling #surgeongeneral #cdc #fbi #doughty #census #niaid #cisa #socialmedia #moderate
@conradhackett Most Burners also interested in #sustainability, according to this #census…
Next was an intriguing talk by Steven Ruggles on government data reporting at the Toulouse School of #Economics. This is a bit autobiographical, but then gets into complaints about the US #Census moving to a synthetic data model (4/11)
The Nowhere Men & Women: How India Abandoned 14 Crore Citizens on a Policy Paper
The government of India runs the world’s biggest food security scheme, which provides free ration to more than 80 crore people. The scheme has won Prime Minister Narendra Modi accolades. But what if we realise that there are over 14 crore people who have been omitted from the benefit of this scheme because the government has not counted Indian citizens in over a decade? Can its intransigence break the welfare structure of governance?
#FoodSecurity #NFSA #census #WelfareSchemes #data #exclusion #RuralIndia #poverty #inequality #NarendraModi #BJP #india
#foodsecurity #nfsa #census #welfareschemes #data #exclusion #RuralIndia #poverty #inequality #narendramodi #BJP #india
🚨 WorldPop analysis published together with #UNFPA #LACRO Università degli Studi di Milano #unimib and the German Aerospace Center #DLR on the production of high-resolution gridded population datasets for 40 Latin America/Caribbean countries using official statistics:
#unfpa #lacro #unimib #dlr #census #GIS #demography #remotesensing #stats #statistics
The number of families in Census 2022 was 59% higher than in 1996, but the average number of children per family fell by 26%
#CSOIreland #Ireland #Census #Census2022 #CensusIreland #Population
#csoireland #ireland #census #census2022 #censusireland #population
The number of families in Census 2022 was 59% higher than in 1996, but the average number of children per family fell by 26%
#CSOIreland #Ireland #Census #Census2022 #CensusIreland #Population
#csoireland #ireland #census #census2022 #censusireland #population
Next was an important conversation with @zephoria on the state of #media (social and otherwise), how society reacts to technological change, and the US #census on the Reimagining the Internet podcast. There are even more vital topics covered here, highly recommend (7/9) #SocialMedia
The ongoing debate surrounding a caste-based survey in Bihar has seen the BJP led NDA questioning the Nitish Kumar government’s initiative.
#Bihar #NitishKumar #Welfare #BJP #NDA #CasteBasedSurvey #Census #SupremeCourt #BiharNews
#bihar #nitishkumar #welfare #bjp #nda #castebasedsurvey #census #supremecourt #biharnews
New paper from Alice Reid, Sarah Rafferty, Hannaliis Jaadla, Eilidh Garrett & Kevin Shurer shows that where people lived explains part of infant & child mortality differences between social classes in 1911 Eng & Wales, using multi-level models on complete count census data. Open access in SSH special issue.
@demography @geography @sociology @economics @politicalscience #history #histodons #economics #econtwitter #children #mortality #OA #Cambridge #census #Multilevel
#Multilevel #census #cambridge #oa #mortality #children #econtwitter #economics #histodons #history
The County of Los Angeles has a population of “somewhere north of 40 people”.
#LosAngeles #LA #LACounty #USA #population #census #QI #notQI
#losangeles #la #lacounty #usa #population #census #qi #notqi
My father’s SIL, Carolyn, had a brother who married into the Verbeyst family. His other SIL, Genevieve, had a brother who was indirectly connected to the Scherr family through HIS wife’s sister. It turns out that the Verbeysts and the Scherrs lived in the same house in #hoboken #newjersey in 1905 and were enumerated right after one another in that year’s state #census. How’s that for a crazy #coincidence #genealogy #geneadons #familyhistory #familytree #Ancestry
#hoboken #newjersey #census #coincidence #genealogy #geneadons #familyhistory #familytree #ancestry
We'd love to see some of the ambiguity removed from the responses to the Census question on religion -- and what better way to do this than by the addition of a yes/no filter question?
The ABS is proposing a change to the religion question for the 2026 Census to establish whether someone actually has a religion before asking about their religious beliefs.
The ABS is seeking public feedback on this proposal by Friday 8 September.
Let the ABS know that you support the addition of a filter question!
Find out how you can have a say here:
Occupations given by people during the 1881 UK census included budget bummer, drum puncher, ring-kisser, sausage maid, pony feeder, porridge warden, and twatmonger.
#occupations #jobs #UK #census #history #historical #QI #notQI
#occupations #jobs #uk #census #history #historical #qi #notqi
I posted this clip from the 1915 New York #census for Hochman's family on my fb and it has spurred an interesting discussion. I noticed his neighbors were Gusikoffs (a famous classical music dynasty that had a #klezmer origin in Ukraine)
Per klez historians Joel Rubin and Hankus Netsky it's probably some of the sons who went on to #Philadelphia and became well known in the #Orchestra there (see entries under Isidore and Charles)
#census #klezmer #philadelphia #orchestra
NSSO -> #census —> #nfhs. Soon we’ll only have to rely on the pearls of wisdom from the #supremeleader. We’re really heading into the dark ages of #data in India. Effective #planning and #research are being dismantled by design. #PublicData #publicpolicy
#census #nfhs #supremeleader #data #planning #research #PublicData #publicpolicy
Home ownership rates in Census 2022 fell while the total number of households renting rose to over 500,000
#CSOIreland #Ireland #Census #Census2022 #CensusIreland #Population
#csoireland #ireland #census #census2022 #censusireland #population