RT @NubianRights@twitter.com
Concerned about #hudumanamba, ID questions in #censuskenya2019 #census2019, & #WajirCensusFraud?
Read the draft #HudumaBill2019 - moving soon to Parliament
The rights of all Kenyans are at stake
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NubianRights/status/1166240732698599424
#hudumanamba #censuskenya2019 #census2019 #wajircensusfraud #hudumabill2019
RT @MustafaM_KE@twitter.com
This is what happens when you don't have a data protection act in place. People can abuse personal data anyhow they think. Even the government admits they are going against the best practice of data minimalisation. We have been reduced to data lab rats.#census2019 https://twitter.com/jeroch1/status/1165353751642812417
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MustafaM_KE/status/1165679389000048641