New #CensusResearch: "Real-Time 2020 Administrative Record Census Simulation" by J. David Brown et al.
New #CensusResearch: "Estimating the U.S. Citizen Voting-Age Population (CVAP) Using Blended Survey Data, Administrative Record Data, and Modeling: Technical Report" by J. David Brown et al.
New #CensusResearch "Diversity and Equity in Labor Market Outcomes for Economists" by @Lucia_Econ, @erikamcentarfer, and @dhsandler forthcoming in the Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy
#CensusResearch in the Review of Income and Wealth "Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity" by Cindy Cunningham, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, Jay Stewart, Zoltan Wolf
#CensusResearch in the QJE "Visual Inference and Graphical Representation in Regression Discontinuity Designs" by Christina Korting, Carl Lieberman, Jordan Matsudaira, Zhuan Pei, & Yi Shen
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Enhancing Race and Ethnicity Information in Medicaid Data: The Role of Census Bureau Data" by Aubrey Limburg, Adam Kurczewski, Victoria Udalova
This paper links Medicaid enrollment data with Decennial Census and ACS data to enhance understanding of racial/ethnic disparities in health. #CensusResearch
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "An Annotated Bibliography of Privacy-Violating Attacks and Related Work" by Philip Leclerc and Pavel Zhuravlev
This annotated bibliography is intended to serve as a convenient guide to papers constituting the scientific literature on privacy-violating attacks. #CensusResearch
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "An Assessment of the June 2020 CPS Fertility Supplement" by Tayelor Valerio
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Using administrative records to support the linkage of census data: protocol for building a longitudinal infrastructure of U.S. census records" by J. Trent Alexander & Katie R. Genadek
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #CensusResearch "Statistical Methodology (2021) for Voting Rights Act, Section 203 Determinations" by Eric Slud, Carolina Franco, Adam Hall, and Joseph Kang
New #CensusResearch "An Evaluation of Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience Indices and Opportunities for Improvement through Community Resilience Estimates" by Katherine Ann Willyard, Gabriel Amaro, R. Chase Sawyer, Bethany DeSalvo, and Wesley Basel
New #CensusResearch "Business Dynamics Statistics for Single-Unit Firms" by Richard Beem, Christopher Goetz, Martha Stinson, and Sean Wang
New #CensusResearch "Expanded Contraceptive Access Increased Women’s College Completion in Colorado" by Sara Yeatman, James M. Flynn, Amanda J. Stevenson, Katie R. Genadek, Stefanie Mollborn, and Jane Menken
New #CensusResearch "The Missing Link: Data Capture Technology and the Making of a Longitudinal U.S. Census Infrastructure" by Katie R. Genadek and J. Trent Alexander
New #CensusResearch "The Long-run Effects of the 1930s Redlining Maps on Children" by Daniel Aaronson, Daniel Hartley, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Martha Stinson
Work by my colleague, Kate Pennington, highlighted in Marginal Revolution #CensusResearch
#CensusResearch in JPAM "Criminal Justice Involvement, Self-Employment, and Barriers in Recent Public Policy" by Keith Finlay, Michael Mueller-Smith, Brittany Street
#CensusResearch "Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data" by Kate Kennedy-Moulton, Sarah Miller, Petra Persson, Maya Rossin-Slater, Laura Wherry & Gloria Aldana
#CensusResearch "Heterogeneity in Damages from A Pandemic" by Amy Finkelstein, Geoffrey Kocks, Maria Polyakova & Victoria Udalova
#CensusResearch "Investment and Subjective Uncertainty" by Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Lucia S. Foster, Scott W. Ohlmacher & Itay Saporta-Eksten