OpenAI execs warn of “risk of extinction” from artificial intelligence in new open letter - Enlarge / An AI-generated image of "AI taking over the world." (credit:... - #dr.margaretmitchell #centerforaisafety #dr.sashaluccioni #machinelearning #danieljeffries #openletter #anthropic #samaltman #aiethics #aisafety #deepmind #biz #openai #ai
#ai #openai #biz #deepmind #aisafety #aiethics #samaltman #anthropic #openletter #danieljeffries #machinelearning #centerforaisafety #dr
Ars Technica: OpenAI execs warn of “risk of extinction” from artificial intelligence in new open letter #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Dr.MargaretMitchell #CenterforAISafety #Dr.SashaLuccioni #machinelearning #DanielJeffries #openletter #Anthropic #samaltman #AIethics #AIsafety #deepmind #Biz&IT #openai #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #Dr #centerforaisafety #machinelearning #danieljeffries #openletter #anthropic #samaltman #aiethics #aisafety #deepmind #biz #openai #ai
"Researchers have been warning of the potential risks of superintelligence for decades, and the #CenterForAISafety (#CAIS) has identified eight categories of catastrophic and existential risk that AI development could pose. It also takes into account other pernicious harms."
#OpenAI leaders call for regulation to prevent #AI destroying humanity | #AISafety | The Guardian
#aisafety #ai #openai #cais #centerforaisafety