We Drum & Dream with love and joy in the collective care circle of Centering Justice, in conversation about Shared Leadership in my practice and play at the Great Lakes Taiko Center (GLTC) in SE Michigan, leaning into a Solidarity Economy & Sociocracy.
#Drum #Dream #Love #Joy #CollectiveCare #Circle #CenteringJustice #SharedLeadership #practice #play #GreatLakes #Taiko #Michigan #SolidarityEconomy #Sociocracy
You can watch the recorded session hosted by NEW.org at https://vimeo.com/799230826
#sociocracy #solidarityeconomy #michigan #taiko #greatlakes #play #practice #sharedleadership #centeringjustice #circle #CollectiveCare #joy #love #dream #drum
#introduction hello linktr.ee/eileensho
#taiko drummer & dreamer michigantaiko.net
#liberation practice transformativechange.org
#SolidarityEconomy people & planet art.coop
#sociocracy just governance sociocracyforall.org
#connection building community taikopeace.love
#CenteringJustice we are who we need new.org
#CollectiveCare circles womenofcolorinthearts.org
#transparency participatory opencollective.com
#joy wonder #love sing #play dance #dream be #ShowUpForMyself now
#showupformyself #dream #play #love #joy #transparency #CollectiveCare #centeringjustice #connection #sociocracy #solidarityeconomy #liberation #taiko #introduction