Besides counting the bollards in this video (#bollards are one cost-effective way that smart #TrafficEngineers make it impossible to drive a car onto bikeways & small bridges without #consent), also dig this #EdgeLaneRoad / #AdvisoryBikeLanes setup as a fiscally responsible alternative to yellow #CenterLines and free #Parking vs #InducedDemand for #BikesAsTransportation #ClimateAction #VisionZero etc. Note small child riding their own 🚲
🚲 @activetowns @BicycleDutch
#bollards #trafficengineers #consent #edgelaneroad #advisorybikelanes #centerlines #parking #induceddemand #bikesastransportation #climateaction #visionzero
If you only have #road #centerlines in your #GIS data you may want to transform them into #beautifully #styled #polygons using only symbology and the useful geometry generator.
Let's see how to you can do this and make your #map beautiful!
#map #polygons #styled #beautifully #gis #centerlines #road