🛰️📱J. Hanke vous propose une solution pour monter et utiliser un kit de géolocalisation à haute précision (mobile/rover RTK) : https://geotribu.fr/articles/2023/2023-09-09_tutoriel-geolocalisation-haute-precision/
🙏 aux relecteurs : @tetranos, A. Vandecasteele, @GabPoujol, L. Bartoletti, @geojulien, @Data_Wax
Un rover RTK Do It Yourself (GPS précision centimétrique) qui fonctionne \o/
Merci le projet Centipède
Le module drotek RTK coûte encore un peu cher par rapport au récepteur GNSS "commun".
Il faut un peu d'huile de coude électronique/informatique pour mettre à jour les firmwares et configs des composants.
Plus une ou deux petites soudures, un boitier imprimé en 3D, un téléphone android et l'appli kivabien, and voilà !
Anyone know what species this marine / intertidal creepy crawly might be? Spotted at Albert Head Lagoon in Victoria, BC. Disturbingly large. My incomplete searches for info indicate likely venomous, as well, but unsure how much to humans. Glad I stopped my son from poking at it ... #centipede #marineBiology #marine #speciesIdentification #entomology
#centipede #marinebiology #marine #speciesidentification #entomology
Adventures in Bad Game Development
I've never been able to make a good game, but I think I could make some bad ones if I just put a little effort into them.
#ArcadeGame #Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #GameDevelopment #asteroids #aws #centipede #javascript #PhaserGameEngine #SpaceInvaders
#arcadegame #blaugust #blaugust2023 #gamedevelopment #asteroids #aws #centipede #javascript #phasergameengine #spaceinvaders
The house #centipede has returned, & has been hanging out in a ceiling corner of my shower for at least the past 5 hours, having only switched position in order to turn himself right-side up. I wish I had that level of concentration, patience, & ability to find bland surfaces totally spellbinding. But hell; he's probably just trying to get out of the heat & hoping some water will come along soon.
Meanwhile, the planet & #democracy are crumbling, while I remain concerned with a bug.
#Insects #Democracy #centipede
Centipedes for the ZX81
#Centipedes #ZX81 #Action #Shooter #Fixedscreen #Fixedscreenshooter #Centipede #Centipedeclone #Centipederipoff #German #Deutsch
#deutsch #german #centipederipoff #centipedeclone #centipede #fixedscreenshooter #fixedscreen #shooter #action #zx81 #Centipedes
Cenipede (Llamasoft) for the ZX81
#Centipede #ZX81 #Action #Shooter #Fixedscreenshooter #Fixedscreen #Llamasoft
#llamasoft #fixedscreen #fixedscreenshooter #shooter #action #zx81 #centipede
Update from yesterday on the #centipede: I summoned my courage, picked up the little mat on which the guy was resting, and deposited him outside. He seemed content about the ride, and just sat there moving a feeler or two now and then. Now I'm having flashbacks from Ruthless People, without, thankfully, the part about going back and stomping on the creature. —Report of the day's important news ended.—
It's 1982 and you're terrible at Arcade games... 🕹️
Never fear! Craig Kubey delivers the "Winner's Book of Video Games"‼️
Asteroids. Missile Command. Defender. Pac-Man. and many, many more!
Check it out here:
#Arcade #Arcades #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #Defender #Pong #SpaceWar #Combat #Galaga #Galaxian #Shmup #MissileCommand #Asteroids #SpaceInvaders #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Breakout #Berzerk #QIX #Eliminator #Gorf #Centipede #Tempest
#tempest #centipede #gorf #eliminator #qix #Berzerk #breakout #bookstodon #Books #book #spaceinvaders #asteroids #missilecommand #shmup #galaxian #galaga #combat #spacewar #pong #defender #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #arcades #arcade
The things that are said and ideas that are thown around with my friends keep getting worse. This one you can blame @QuanZillan
#Furry #chimerapruduction #sfw #meme #furryart #centipede
#furry #chimerapruduction #sfw #meme #furryart #centipede
Las arcades Centipede y Tempest Legacy Edition ya están disponibles para tu hogar
#Noticias #Retro #Tecnologa #Arcade1UpLegacy #Atari #Centipede #Tempest
#noticias #retro #tecnologa #arcade1uplegacy #atari #centipede #tempest
Centipede (Herosoft) for the ZX81
#Centipede #ZX81 #Action #Shooter #Fixedscreenshooter #Fixedscreen #Herosoft
#herosoft #fixedscreen #fixedscreenshooter #shooter #action #zx81 #centipede
Centipede (dK'tronics) for the ZX81
#Centipede #ZX81 #Action #Shooter #Fixedscreenshooter #Fixedscreen #dKtronics
#dktronics #fixedscreen #fixedscreenshooter #shooter #action #zx81 #centipede
Trei'kaza; or just Trei, is a Centien doctor.
Centien don't usually come out of their cavern homes; so residents in The Lawless where he lives are a bit spooked by him and for good reason.
He'll help you; if he's into it but he'll also just as equally kidnap people and use them as specimens or just strap them to his vivisection table when he gets bored enough.
He does care about scientific study but his whims are ever changing.
#alien #centipede #monster #naga #insectoid #insect
kelabang dari suku Scolopendridae. panjangnya kira-kira 10 cm (nggak berani pegang). kalau dicium bisa bikin kita panas-dingin karena demam 😌
sampai sekarang saya belum bisa identifikasi jenisnya. barangkali ada yang ahli #Scolopendridae atau #centipede di sini?
#scolopendridae #centipede #centipedesofmastodon
@DenOfEarth @radiatoryang a joystick and one button, all you need
#asteroids #pacman #centipede okay yeah that one was a trackball #tempest okay that was a spinny wheel and two buttons #qbert
#asteroids #pacman #centipede #tempest #qbert
Kotaku: 40+ Weird Vintage Video Game Ads We Can’t Stop Thinking About https://kotaku.com/best-retro-video-game-ads-playstation-atari-xbox-360-1850548825 #gaming #tech #kotaku #formulaonevideogames #homevideogameconsole #technologyinternet #videogamecompanies #homecomputergames #videogameconsole #hamiltonnolan #mariosunshine #playstation3 #arcadegames #davidlynch #donkeykong #johnberger #videogames #microsoft #centipede #robwalker #nintendo #paulrudd #rayman #homes #atari #sega #sony #ps2 #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #formulaonevideogames #homevideogameconsole #technologyinternet #videogamecompanies #homecomputergames #videogameconsole #hamiltonnolan #mariosunshine #playstation3 #arcadegames #davidlynch #donkeykong #JohnBerger #videogames #microsoft #centipede #robwalker #nintendo #paulrudd #rayman #Homes #atari #sega #sony #ps2 #ps3
Pulled up some bark on an old tree and this little guy ran out.
It wasn't happy having its home moved.
#centipede #insect #photography #macro
¡Jugando Centipede en Atari 2600! ¡Revive la nostalgia de los 80s! Descubre por qué este juego es uno de los favoritos. @blipman88 #Centipede #Atari2600 #RetrogamerVCS 😎🕹️ #8bits #game #videogame #retrogaming #retrogame #retrogames #shortplay #atarivcs #atari #atari2600games #atari2600
#centipede #atari2600 #retrogamervcs #8bits #game #videogame #retrogaming #retrogame #retrogames #shortplay #atarivcs #atari #atari2600games