Troy Dawson is back yet again, this time joined by Carl George to present the state of EPEL. #CentOSConnect
Brian Carey presents about KubeVirt CI with CentOS Stream. #CentOSConnect
Troy Dawson is back on, this time talking about KDE in EPEL. #CentOSConnect
Eric Curtin is presenting an update from the CentOS Automotive SIG. #CentOSConnect
Watching #FlocktoFedora @fedora #flock #flock2023 #flock23 #FlockIreland #centosconnect #centos @centos @rhel
#flocktofedora #flock #flock2023 #flock23 #flockireland #centosconnect #centos
Before our dedicated #CentOSConnect track, Brain Exelbierd will deliver a #FlockToFedora keynote on what Red Hat wants. Watch the keynote track live stream for Brian's talk.
Join the live stream for #CentOSConnect at #FlockToFedora. Talks start in just under two hours at 11:00 Irish time.
Looking forward to this year's Flock in Cork! I will be giving a short talk on how we build KubeVirt CI on top of CentOS Stream. #FlockToFedora #CentOSConnect
Looking forward to this year's Flock in Cork! I will be giving a short talk on how we build KubeVirt CI on top of CentOS Stream. #FlockToFedora #CentOSConnect
From #CentOSConnect: @arrfab talks about the infra services that CentOS offers its SIGs.
From #CentOSConnect: Karolina Kula presents the journey of an OpenStack package.
From #CentOSConnect: @michel_slm talks about bringing Fedora packages to EPEL using ebranch.
From #CentOSConnect: @ecurtin talks about what's happening in the Automotive SIG, including the AutoSD distribution of CentOS:
From #CentOSConnect: Davide Cavalca gives an update on what's happening in the CentOS Hyperscale SIG.
Happening now at #CentOSConnect: Fernando Fernandez Mancera is talking about network management in Enterprise Linux.
Next up at #CentOSConnect, Christian Glombek and Alessandro Di Stefano will talk about CentOS Stream CoreOS and OKD Streams.
Ever since I worked with OpenStack packaging (I was part of the release engineering team of Mirantis OpenStack distribution), I wish that Fedora and RHEL and CentOS adopt the project-config or rdoinfo approach which allows you to store the metadata of your components and release engineering configurations in a single repo.
Nice talk by Karolina brings back so many memories.
We're back after lunch at #CentOSConnect. Karolina Kula is talking about OpenStack packages.
One more talk before lunch. Fabian Arrotin is talking about offered infra services for SIGs at #CentOSConnect.