It has come to our attention that there is one small, independent in left that does not go through CloudFlare or some other USA-based plutocrat.

That bank is merging with another bank.

Effective March 1!

#bank #australia #cloudflare #CBDS #centralBankDigitalSlavery #cbdc #cbdsm #banking #pillageaustralia

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyone still today is unbanked by choice — by .

No () will fix that. This is evidenced by persons in who are locked out of their banks by .

This drive to digitise people is also a drive to financialise people — and leads to greater .

No path forward can involve .

#unbanked #tyranny #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc #australia #cloudflare #financialisation #inequality #ethical #centralBankDigitalSlavery

Last updated 3 years ago

Reminder there is no form of that involves talking about .

Fascism is when they say the answer to population growth is a "efficient" melding of govt and to streamline and other forms of -style , eg. .

Thanks for understanding.

#fascism #populationGrowth #bigBusiness #forcedlabour #authoritarian #slavery #debtBondage #bankerCrimes #cantilloneffect #cbdc #centralBankDigitalSlavery

Last updated 3 years ago