We are going to be asinine with the semantics, but govt is another way of saying the people.
Govt don't decide on #Fiat anymore, #centralPlanners do (and their goal is more about maintaining #stockMarket gains but we digress).
Fiat = #CentralBanker currency
Bitcoin = Everyone-who-uses-it currency, appears to be growing into #PeoplesCurrency
Gold = Everyone-who-uses-it currency but appears to be stagnant.
#fiat #centralPlanners #everyoneWhoUsesItCurrency #stockmarket #centralBanker #PeoplesCurrency #bitcoin #gold
We are going to be asinine with the semantics, but govt is another way of saying the people.
Govt don't decide on #Fiat anymore, #centralPlanners (and their goal is more about maintaining #stockMarket gains but we digress).
Fiat = #CentralBanker currency
Bitcoin = Everyone-who-uses-it currency, appears to be growing in popularity.
Gold = Everyone-who-uses-it but appears to not be growing in popularity.
#fiat #centralPlanners #stockmarket #centralBanker #gold #bitcoin #everyoneWhoUsesItCurrency
Just sink a ship with #bankers on it and be the #centralBanker, and kleptocratic billionaire you want to see in the world…
…a world that you take private.
By the way that job you created sounds "vari" fash. Excellent. We didn't know you could invent bullshitJobs. Gold star. :P
#moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #theFed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #scamWatch
#bankers #centralBanker #moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #thefed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #Scamwatch