@jasper @ifixcoinops

2/3…steamrolled by the of 3% growth in industries and , often that the citizenry don't support but which still enjoy gains because they are close to the who engineer favourable until they have positions. For example, was a for a generation he just never reported earnings till he went public. is a famous moneyLoser. Where did Cloudflare get money to taken ?

#keynesianInsanity #consumption #centralBankers #interestrates #monopoly #jeffbezos #moneyLoser #trump #TheInternet

Last updated 3 years ago

To be fair, there is also a lot of overlap between them. They seem to operate as a , analogous to the railroad and oil barons that helped create in the last century. Alongside the .

The interesting thing is what we hear of doing. They are reportedly working overtime right now to suppress their .

Its a shame lack the same foresight.

#cartel #fascism #centralBankers #china #bigtech #monopolists #theWest

Last updated 3 years ago

We can envisage a world where we in the streets over — that stuff is awful.

Its more difficult to envisage over printing money for corporations they're invested in and when exposed they simply step down rather than go to prison.

That stuff is hard.


#riot #vinegarSteam #protest #centralBankers #ImprisonList #robertKaplan #boston #dallas

Last updated 3 years ago

This conspiracy involves too many people to operate.

Bitcoin is at level. There are so many people involved in dev and see the light.

We don't doubt are doing their best to destroy high-profile . Too many are being killed or for it to be a coincidence. For each one they destroy, 1000 spawn.

Recently we saw an established advertise discounts for .

We need more ppl focused on now.


#nationstate #centralBankers #bitcoiners #JulianAssanged #business #bitcoin #foss #ux

Last updated 3 years ago

To make it clear, stocks ponzi's have been worse, and again worse over the past 108 years based on what?

Say it with us, "".

Fiat, latin for , must be dismantled to restore not only , but .

The invented by has run its course over the past 108 years like a . It took a while for to produce a .

Erradicate the disease and — learn :P

#fiat #LetItBeSo #peace #balance #FiatDisease #centralBankers #virus #humanity #vaccine #LetItNotBeSo #bitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Have you heard of (we believe that's her spelling). The , like and even (a chairman from the 1980s), channelled and in some cases celebrated her kind of , , ideas.

Her fiction novels are reportedly quite . Eg. a frustrated property developer burns down an old building, because govt regulations.

Boomers started off okay, but got… "side-tracked" -_^

#aynrand #ChristianRight #thoughtLeaders #oprah #centralBankers #RederalReserve #selfhelp #tryharder #internalisation #childish

Last updated 4 years ago

The must be loving this.

They were only going to use the and to enslave the masses and to steal their . Then the kids came along are helping them to thin the heard. Mow the lawn. Etc. Before they get sent off to to in the .

This is some high-level , right here.

Keep hunting down your peers, kids!

#centralBankers #stockmarket #NegativeInterestRates #lifeSavings #prison #work #gulags #alchemy #NeighbourOnNeighbourAction #badNeighbour #prisonTime #justUseBitcoin #itsBitcoinBitch

Last updated 5 years ago

The must stop.

Cos if commerce is impacted it'll just lead to even more by the Central Bankers in that cesspool of white-collar criminality, called .

The protesters need to know their place, they must go back to serving the and for another 106 years. They are not smart enough to achieve anything and are just savage beasts and violent rioters.

I saw it in the .

@Ox @realcaseyrollins @djsumdog

#protesters #moneyPrinting #ny #corporations #centralBankers #news

Last updated 5 years ago

You may be right.

We just like the idea behind Bitcoin and really don't care about the price. Slowly it is limiting the corrupt and and their aggressive for their mates. Now they are having to be more aggressive than ever - with daily injections and !

Its just a matter of time - people will not tolerate the environmental and societal destruction for much longer. :)

#centralBankers #moneyPrinting #multinational #quantitativeeasing

Last updated 5 years ago

Any single entity that becomes too big can amass too much power and influences and can become a menace.

Today the (), , and the and that feed their need to be broken up.

Also the , , and should be sliced into two.

#us #militaryindustrialcomplex #mic #google #amazon #centralBankers #corruptRegulators #growthObsession #usa #eu #russia #china

Last updated 5 years ago