Market Analyst Heralds the Collapse of ‘Everything,’ Calls for Hedging in Gold and Silver Before There Isn’t Any Left - Egon von Greyerz, market analyst and founder of Matterhorn Asset Management, is pr... - #siliconvalleybank #creditsuissebank #centralbanking #egonvongreyerz #stockmarket #economics #collapse #nobuyers #banking #silver #debt #gold
#gold #debt #silver #banking #nobuyers #collapse #economics #stockmarket #egonvongreyerz #centralBanking #creditsuissebank #siliconvalleybank
A few things in the last century have tipped the scales in favour of an accelerated #plutocracy.
1913-29: The formation of #centralBanking and the switch towards cultivating a #consumeristSelf over an active #citizenry,
1960-70s break from gold that coincidences with onset of "#neoliberalism" and interestingly, a #TransparencyMovement, opening votes of #policymakers up to the public, but ultimately a primary tool exploited mostly by #lobbyists.
Abuse of tech ensues.
#plutocracy #centralBanking #consumeristself #citizenry #neoliberalism #transparencymovement #policymakers #lobbyists
Maybe there really does come a time in every person's life when they realise #centralBanking is really, really bad.
You are not ready to know this, but imagine the cost of #fertiliser has averaged $400 over the past 10 years.
Since 2020 it has shot up to $1600+
If you are not enjoying the benefits of the #moneyPrinting you may die. Make sure you #BlameRussia, savers, bitcoiners and secure #taxBreaks for the extremely wealthy on the way out.
#permacultureNow #warOnSavers #letThemEatTheRich #food #foodPrices #moneyPrinterGoDrr #centralBanking
#fertiliser #moneyPrinting #blamerussia #taxbreaks #permacultureNow #warOnSavers #letThemEatTheRich #food #Foodprices #moneyPrinterGoDrr #centralBanking
One of the great #symmetries in the problem of one-person-hoarding-them-all, is they will quickly have to reduce their prices, or start giving stuff away, lest ppl come with pitchforks.
Or start a new #money.
Bitcoin was a response to one type of #monopoly of money, #CentralBanking and so we can reasonably expect that if #BTC ever gets monopolised that ppl will democratically jump ship to another. We estimate bitcoin entropy will set in in about 200 years (ceterisParibus).
#symmetries #money #monopoly #centralBanking #btc
Money laundering is half the story, when these things become legitimate they will replace govt landtitles and thus the #bankers will have completed their destruction of govts.
#howVeryKeynesian #growth #riggedEconomy #cantillonEffect #banksters #NFTOwningDemocracy #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneyLaundering #kleptocrats #centralBanking #scamWatch #etheriumScam
@besserwisser @polychrome @piggo
#bankers #HowVeryKeynesian #growth #riggedeconomy #cantilloneffect #banksters #NFTOwningDemocracy #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneylaundering #kleptocrats #centralBanking #Scamwatch #etheriumScam
Will #fiatCurrency eventually be understood as a religious cult in which #papalIndulgences via #centralBanking are handed to #bankers and their #JeffreyEpsteinClass of mates, who #sacrificeChildren into #debtSlavery for #cronyCapitalism in the hopes of personal power and prestige (and to pay for war via a #silentTax called #inflation)?
#fiatCurrency #centralBanking #bankers #papalIndulgences #jeffreyEpsteinClass #sacrificeChildren #debtslavery #cronycapitalism #silentTax #inflation #bitcoinfixesthis #cryptocurrency
@thegibson @cypnk
Oh wow.
It took almost 100 years and a lot of technological progress to deal with the #centralBanking virus, yet three years after the release of the #antivirus software known as #bitcoin…
…Cloudflare begins its attack (2013)
#centralBanking #antivirus #bitcoin #malware #cyberthreat #mitm #cloudflare
Nope. Bitcoin levels the playing field. Fiat is and always has been a way to extract from working class people. New system ends the #CantillonEffect and #Cronyism embedded in #CentralBanking.
The smaller banks would be doing #service, mining the Layer 2, which cannot be fudged either and earning, like bitcoin. The only difference is the ledger is bigger, mining pool is randomly reduced etc. Yes people are working on this.
These banks would not create loans/debt as they do today…1/2
#cantilloneffect #cronyism #centralBanking #service
What does #domination look like in the 21st century?
If you haven't seen the cartoon series #BitcoinAndFriends you need to watch it now!
No #Hollywood propaganda, just a pure struggle presented with humor and ingenuity. Aside from rare #SoundDesign issues it has the greatest story you will see in a #cartoon, possibly the best in your lifetime.
You WILL learn something from it. (noJS links below)
#funny #BTCAndFriendsDotCom #trueLifeStories #satire #centralBanking
#domination #BitcoinAndFriends #hollywood #sounddesign #cartoon #funny #BTCAndFriendsDotCom #trueLifeStories #satire #centralBanking
@djsumdog @icedquinn @sullybiker
What is patently obvious is that #CentralBanking has been a disaster over the 108 years that we've had it.
Before centralBanking we had a lot of independent moneyPrinting also so it was also bad. Populations would scramble for #gold.
The future is going to be different. We think #bitcoin is a good development, that should make papacy-style #banking a thing of the past. It would cause a #culturalShift away from #shortTermism.
#centralBanking #gold #bitcoin #banking #culturalshift #shortTermism
All these ill-effects of #Keynesianism just because of some so-called "#stickiness" of the #wages?
This #wageStickiness would only happen in a large corporation where you don't see the indiidual sacrifice and effort of the #businessOwner.
#SmallBusiness and medium-sized businesses would not have the stickiness problem mentioned, and simply justifies the notion of "#TooBigToExist".
#keynesianism #stickiness #wages #wageStickiness #businessOwner #smallbusiness #tooBigToExist #HardMoney #centralBanking #whyBitcoin
China China China.
Meanwhile #Australia'ns neglect what is happening in their own country, right under our noses.
Understand the rules of #mediaManipulation and deception. Please download, watch and share this documentary RIGHT NOW:
#hysteria #divideAndRule #misdirection #gentrification #overdevelopment #centralBanking #moneyPrinterGoBrr #neoFeudalism #smokeAndMirrors
#australia #mediamanipulation #hysteria #divideandrule #misdirection #gentrification #overdevelopment #centralBanking #moneyPrinterGoBrr #neofeudalism #smokeAndMirrors
The overdevelopment and gentrification that has gutted communities over the past century was funded by bankers, including the ripping out of effective #publicTransport (#rail). A wide lens is needed when discussing #centralBanking (est.1914).
We will not go down #MurpheysLaw but, they did help support bad regimes and profitted from… "new mining projects" too. We can point to documented accounts.
#publictransport #rail #centralBanking #MurpheysLaw
Your step-by-step guide to #propaganda and #electionRigging, and how it continues to be done, courtesy of the venerable #AdamCurtis.
The Century Of The Self:
#electionRigging #USElection #BBC #edwardBernays #sigmundFreud #engineeringOfConsent #militarism #childAbuse #junkFood #rupertMurdoch #publicRelations #memes #television #programming #surveillance #stockMarkets #centralBanking #robertReich #smoking #war #okayBoomer #babyboomer #democracy
#propaganda #ElectionRigging #adamcurtis #uselection #bbc #EdwardBernays #SigmundFreud #EngineeringOfConsent #militarism #childabuse #junkfood #rupertmurdoch #publicrelations #memes #television #programming #surveillance #stockmarkets #centralBanking #robertreich #smoking #war #okayBoomer #babyboomer #democracy
Your step-by-step guide to #propaganda and #electionRigging, and continues to be done, courtesy of the venerable #AdamCurtis.
The Century Of The Self:
#electionRigging #USElection #BBC #edwardBernays #sigmundFreud #engineeringOfConsent #militarism #childAbuse #junkFood #rupertMurdoch #publicRelations #memes #newspaper #television #programming #surveillance #stockMarkets #centralBanking #robertReich #smoking #war #okayBoomer #babyboomer #democracy
#propaganda #ElectionRigging #adamcurtis #uselection #bbc #EdwardBernays #SigmundFreud #EngineeringOfConsent #militarism #childabuse #junkfood #rupertmurdoch #publicrelations #memes #newspaper #television #programming #surveillance #stockmarkets #centralBanking #robertreich #smoking #war #okayBoomer #babyboomer #democracy
Oh its even worse than this… over the past 49 years #TheFed has been #moneyPrinting to serve the interests of the #bigRealEstate, #bigOil, #bigPharma, the #militaryIndustrialComplex (incl. #CIA and #JeffreyEpsteinClass, #Hollywood, etc.
In 1971, to allow us to continue raping the #Vietnamese, they completely broke out of the #goldStandard.
Their are #noLimits for the #reallyBadGuys.
Why we #bitcoin.
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #AOC #corruption #defundTheJeffreyEpsteins #centralBanking
#thefed #moneyPrinting #bigRealEstate #bigoil #bigpharma #militaryindustrialcomplex #cia #jeffreyEpsteinClass #hollywood #vietnamese #goldstandard #nolimits #reallyBadGuys #bitcoin #moneyPrinterGoBrr #aoc #corruption #defundTheJeffreyEpsteins #centralBanking
1. #Bitcoin was designed to #defundTheEpsteinBankers
2. #Cloudflare and #Google seem to be a product of #theEpsteinBankers, to protect said #bankers.
3. All bitcoin websites and services are Cloudflare and Google.
Can you square this #orange circle.
#centralBanks #centralBanking #surveillance #massSurveillance #controlledOpposition #wallStreet #goOrange #MIT #microsoft #blockStream
#Brainteaser #bitcoin #defundTheEpsteinBankers #cloudflare #google #theEpsteinBankers #bankers #orange #centralBanks #centralBanking #surveillance #masssurveillance #controlledopposition #wallstreet #goOrange #mit #microsoft #blockstream
The quote "his family had ties to the #slaveTrade" sounds like a tenuous link, tbh.
The question should be did he actually benefit from those ties? Many have #family ties to all sorts of unsavoury stuff, and that honestly means nothing to us; definately not a sign of endorsement or of benefit. In fact, in many ways it is a hindrance.
Where can we learn more about this one?
#slaveTrade #family #slavery #teardown #statues #GIABO #centralBanking #NEOED
Strypey, see how you're describing how MMT is being #politicised - manipulated by the current oligarchy?
No, not only #fractionalReserveBanking (FRB) but #centralBanking.
Yes you have the central banks that print money for the billionaireClass. Under them the #merchantBanks, #ventureCapital, #hedgeFunds etc who're part of the b'class and #epsteinClass. And then under that the banks that just do the FRB stuff.
All of them are insidious, out of control.
Kids might attack it.
#politicised #fractionalReserveBanking #centralBanking #merchantBanks #venturecapital #hedgeFunds #epsteinClass