Incredibly sad and a disgrace for Europe:
According to #unicef , at least 289 children are estimated to have died or disappeared this year attempting to cross the #centralMediterranean from North Africa to #europe , twice as much as in the same period last year.
#unicef #centralMediterranean #europe #LeaveNoOneToDie #withrefugees
MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea): "❗️ Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are continuing. Our team eventually spotted an overcrowded rubber boat in distress in international waters near #Libya. 107 persons, including 5 women and 36 minors, were rescued and are now safely aboard #GeoBarents." | Nitter | –
#GeoBarents #Libya #centralMediterranean
🔵🔵 Terzo soccorso effettuato dalla nave civile #Geobarents: dopo SOS lanciato da @alarm_phone, @MSF_Sea ha tratto in salvo 107 persone, tra cui 5 donne e 35 minori, in fuga dalla #Libia a bordo di un gommone sovraffollato e in pericolo.MSF Sea: ❗️ Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are continuing. Our team eventually spotted an overcrowded rubber boat in distress in international waters near #Libya. 107 persons, including 5 women and 36 minors, were rescued and are now safely aboard #GeoBarents.
#libya #centralMediterranean #libia #GeoBarents
🔵 Grazie alla segnalazione di #SeaBird, nave civile #GeoBarents ha soccorso nel pomeriggio 69 persone, tra cui 9 donne e 25 minori. Tra questə, due bambine di soli 5 anni. Erano a bordo di un gommone in pericolo, in fuga dalla #Libia.#CivilFleet@MSF_SeaMSF Sea: 🟢Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are ongoing. An overcrowded rubber boat was spotted by #SeaBird2 in the international waters near #Libya. 69 persons, including 9 women and 25 minors are now safely aboard #GeoBarents. Among them two little girls aged only 5.
#libya #SeaBird2 #centralMediterranean #civilfleet #libia #GeoBarents #seabird
Once again, this decision targets search and rescue NGOs but the real price will be paid by people fleeing across the #CentralMediterranean and finding themselves in situations of distress.
📢 We will not remain silence and inactive!
The only factor preventing people from crossing the sea is bad weather, not New Year celebrations. Onboard the #GeoBarents, the MSF team is making its way to the search and rescue region to prevent more deaths in the #CentralMediterranean!
#centralMediterranean #GeoBarents
1/3 The #LouiseMichel is back in Spain and will undergo some Maintenance work in the shipyard to return to the #centralMediterranean in 2023 with new power. Our forth rescue rotation this year has shown once again how brutally Europe's border regime treats people on the move.
#louisemichel #centralMediterranean
1/3 The #LouiseMichel is back in Spain and will undergo some Maintenance work in the shipyard to return to the #centralMediterranean in 2023 with new power. Our forth rescue rotation this year has shown once again how brutally Europe's border regime treats people on the move.
#centralMediterranean #louisemichel
Live Feed
The MV #LouiseMichel has left the port of #Lampedusa today and is returning to Spain now after her 4th rescue operation this year. We will return to the #CentralMediterranean as soon as possible in #SolidarityAndResistance. #FreedomOfMovementForAll #AntifaAtSea
#louisemichel #lampedusa #centralMediterranean #SolidarityAndResistance #FreedomOfMovementForAll #AntifaAtSea
The MV #LouiseMichel has left the port of #Lampedusa today and is returning to Spain now after her 4th rescue operation this year. We will return to the #CentralMediterranean as soon as possible in #SolidarityAndResistance. #FreedomOfMovementForAll #AntifaAtSea
#AntifaAtSea #FreedomOfMovementForAll #solidarityandresistance #centralMediterranean #lampedusa #louisemichel
🔴 Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are ongoing. Our team rescued 74 people, including many women and minors, who left #Libya yesterday night on an overcrowded and unstable rubber boat.
🔵 Nel pomeriggio la nave civile #GeoBarents ha soccorso 74 persone in pericolo di vita, a bordo di un gommone sovraffollato e instabile, in fuga dalla #Libia. Tra loro molte donne e bambini, affidati adesso alle cure del team di @MSF_Sea.Grazie #CivilFleet!MSF Sea: 🔴 Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are ongoing. Our team rescued 74 people, including many women and minors, who left #Libya yesterday night on an overcrowded and unstable rubber boat.
#libya #centralMediterranean #civilfleet #libia #GeoBarents
The #EuropeanCommission
action plan on the #CentralMediterranean recycles the same repressive & ineffective focus on stopping people from entering #Europe by increasing funding, support to often abusive govts in North Africa (e.g Libya)
The plan ignores the need for:
🛥️ state-led, proactive search & rescue operations
⚓️a clear mechanism for disembarkation
🇪🇺a process for relocation of people to other EU countries
Read HRW's take:
#europeancommission #centralMediterranean #europe
🔵 La nave #GeoBarents ha soccorso altre 82 persone, tra cui 4 minori, a bordo di una barca in legno sovraffollata in fuga dalla #Libia. A bordo della nave ci sono ora 572 superstiti, assistiti dall'equipaggio di @MSF_Sea.Grazie @MSF_ITALIA!#CivilFleetMSF Sea: 🔴 BREAKING Life-saving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are still ongoing. Our team rescued another 82 people, including four minors, who left #Libya yesterday night on an overcrowded and unstable wooden boat.
#libya #centralMediterranean #CivilFleetMSF #libia #GeoBarents
🔵 #GeoBarents ha soccorso altre 41 persone da un'imbarcazione in pericolo partita da #Tripoli cinque giorni fa.A seguito del sesto salvataggio in circa 72 ore, a bordo della nave ci sono ora 235 donne e uomini, tra cui 61 minori e bambini.Grazie @MSF_Sea!#CivilFleetMSF Sea: 🔴 UPDATE Lifesaving operations in the #CentralMediterranean are still ongoing. An additional 41 people have just been rescued from a boat in distress that left #Tripoli five days ago.
#centralMediterranean #CivilFleetMSF #tripoli #GeoBarents
According to @UNmigration, 1,147 people were reported to have died or gone missing while attempting to cross the Mediterranean so far in 2022. For this reason, we will continue to operate and rescue people in distress crossing the #CentralMediterranean.