Dubbed the "Energy Silk Road," the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is China's first transnational gas pipeline. It has witnessed energy cooperation between China and Central Asian countries. #China #SilkRoad #naturalgas #CentralAsian
#china #silkroad #naturalgas #centralasian
#ChinaDevelopmentBank, one of the country's policy banks, has stepped up financial support to help deepen China-Central Asia cooperation.
The policy bank has set up a special loan of 1.43 billion U.S. dollars to support projects between #China and #CentralAsian countries in the fields of economy and trade, investment, transportation, agriculture, energy and resources, and infrastructure, among others.
#chinadevelopmentbank #china #centralasian
The coastal city of #Lianyungang in east #China 's Jiangsu Province has reported 15,000 freight train trips to and from the five #CentralAsian countries.
A cargo train, fully loaded with 100 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers of ceramic tiles, tires and grease processing equipment, left Lianyungang for #Kazakhstan and #Uzbekistan on Thursday.
This marked the 15,000th #Lianyungang-Central Asian countries freight train trip since December 1992.
#lianyungang #china #centralasian #kazakhstan #uzbekistan
Meanwhile, #CentralAsian migrants increasingly head to #Uzbekistan instead of stagnating and risky #russia, creating risks for local regimes but also decreasing dependency on #moscow. #russian soft power around language & culture in the region has equally taken a significant hit.
#centralasian #uzbekistan #russia #moscow #russian
#CentralAsian workers in the occupied territories of #Ukraine face the same terrible conditions, payment defaults and racism as in #russia, in addition to risking coming under literal fire as well as criminal persecution in their home countries.
#centralasian #ukraine #russia