And, 30 years later, a response to #Kundera by #Ukrainian intellectual Mykola #Riabchuk: "Shifting the Wall Further East."
Ryabchuk points out that Kundera's setting "Western" European traditions against "Eastern" non-European ones - pushed nations further east outside the consciousness of Europeans, where they were left to fend for themselves against an #Russian will to dominate.
#CentralEurope #CentralEasternEurope #Ukraine
#Ukraine #centraleasterneurope #centraleurope #Russian #riabchuk #ukrainian #kundera
The first is Milan Kundera's "Un Occident kidnappé" of 1984, here in English translation: "The Tragedy of Central Europe"
#Kundera sets the culture of Central European nations against the foreign culture of Russian colonisation, bemoaning in passing the demise of the #Habsburg Empire.
#Ukraine #centraleasterneurope #centraleurope #habsburg #kundera
Was made aware of two very thought-provoking essays about Central Europe. As a non-expert I can't really judge them, still, they fascinate me and make me want to read more. They deal with the problems Central and Central-Eastern European nations faced defending their cultures against an overweening #Russian impulse of colonisation.
#Ukraine #centraleasterneurope #centraleurope #Russian
Eastern EU countries will make or break the bloc’s 2030 renewables goal #centraleasterneurope #RenewableEnergyDirective
#centraleasterneurope #renewableenergydirective