In its "Action Plan for the Central Mediterranean", the EU Commission calls for "promotion" of a dialogue between #CentralMed states on "regional approaches to search and rescue".
But this "dialogue" is not happening, tells
❗️❗️ Intercepting, forcibly returning people to #Libya and threatening the civil fleet is unfortunately a common practice in the #CentralMed, with the support from #Italy and the #EU.
‼️Ancona is 3.5 days away from where the #GeoBarents currently stands at sea. This means delaying the much needed access to assistance on land for survivors; and keeping a SAR vessel away from the #CentralMed. #MSF asks the Italian gvtm to give survivors on board a closer port
Great reporting by Zach Campbell ( ) & Lorenzo D'Agostino on Italy's crackdown on humanitarian #SAR #NGOs in the #CentralMed.
#migration #EU #SearchAndRescue #TheIntercept
#sar #ngos #centralmed #migration #eu #searchandrescue #theintercept
Great reporting by Zach Campbell & Lorenzo D'Agostino on Italy's crackdown on humanitarian #SAR #NGOs in the #CentralMed.
#migration #EU #SearchAndRescue #TheIntercept
#sar #ngos #centralmed #migration #eu #searchandrescue #theintercept
Great reporting by Zach Campbell & Lorenzo D'Agostino on Italy's crackdown on humanitarian #SAR #NGOs in the #CentralMed.
#migration #EU #SearchAndRescue #TheIntercept
#sar #ngos #centralmed #migration #eu #searchandrescue #theintercept
The #LouiseMichel is back in Spain for maintenance work. We left the #CentralMed once again full of rage & anger at the system that’s driven by economics, nationalism and racism, and that is intentionally letting people risk their lives and drown every day. This must stop!
How To support
The M.V. LouiseMichel needs
Funding to do this work, fight legal cases and replace impounded equipment.
Help spreading the word about these inhumane policies. #searescueisnotacrime
The people at sea are not unlucky casualties of the elements. This crisis is not a natural disaster. It is created by political decisions and a failure of humanity. It cannot be solved by lifeboats. If we want to sustainably stop the drowning we have to stop forcing people onto these boats. So if you want to contribute - speak up against racism, join the movements for climate justice - take any kind of action to defend global respect for all forms of life, near or far.
How societies manage migration is a complex issue that involves us all. But it should never be one that casually dispenses the death penalty.
#louisemichel #centralmed #searescueisnotacrime
RT @MVLouiseMichel
48 people were rescued yesterday, but no rescue is complete without a #SafePort!
The #centralMed is one of the deadliest borders, but not the only one which kills. Lives are lost at land and sea borders everyday. Borders are the problem.We need #FreedomOfMovementForAll #noborders
#safeport #centralmed #FreedomOfMovementForAll #noborders